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Plastic Horses


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Dear blue-room folks


As part of an exhibition I am putting together in Glasgow with my colleague Grier Edmundson we are trying to source a life size plastic horse. :(


Does anyone know where we could source one (preferably in Scotland). Ideally we would like to sort out a loan or hire.


If anyone knows of a theatre company who has one or a production which used one, we would jump on the chance to follow it up


So far we are trying mainly equestrian supply stores but the best we can do so far is to buy one for £650. And as the project is self funded this isn't really an option.




Luke Collins



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  • 3 weeks later...

I sourced a full size plastic horse in Southampton from a riding supplies/livery shop. They had it as a display model for saddles etc, and they were lending for free. Also tried cavalry dept of army but they were revamping the displays at the time and might be a bit far away for you.


Good luck

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try the Armoury museum in Leeds - lots of full size horse models there.


depending on how "loadbearing" it needs to be, it might be worth trying vacform people like Peter Evans - I've a very vague recollection of seeing figures of animals in their catalogue.....

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The Kelvingrove had one before it's refurbishment, might be worth checking there? It stood in the armoury section with a knight astride it, and was there for the best part of twenty years (maybe longer, but definitely it was there as long as I've gone there)
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