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Mac 250wash or 600 ??


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A bit of advice please.. Am lighting a university production and require 6 wash fixtures. Am planning on using them for on stage colour more than anything, as well as a few random specials.


I'm phoning about getting quotes for the hire for the 600 at the mo as I would prefer the extra brightness it gives. I'm also hoping the movement speed will be that little bit faster than the 250. However, many places I've spoken to seem to think the 250wash is as good? I've seen the 600's used before and used the 250 profiles, but not played with the 250wash.


Has anyone used them and how are they?

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The Martin product guide rates the MAC 600 (and 600NT) at 21,500 lumens, whilst the 250 Wash is listed as 6800 (and the 300 a mere 4800 lumens).

They also have different beam angles as standard - 25deg (600&600NT), 18deg for the 250 Wash & 300.


I've not seen a 250 wash in the flesh, but I'd be surprised if its as bright as a 600 given the above data.



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Indeed.. 250w is nowhere near as bright as a 600!


However, given the 250's are a much newer product, they do have the advantage of smoother colour mixing and quieter operation (although only really a problem with the 600's if you have 8+ or so all swooshing around at once.. For 6 doing a standard X-Wash most of the time, and the occasional special, this wouldn't be an issue..)


All things considered, I'd go with the 600's.. You'll probably get a better deal on them anyway!

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Are we talking Macs? The OP just said 600 and 250 - maybe we're just talking about washes in general.


My view is that without any doubt, 250s are dimmer. The question is if the dimmer light is really a problem. For my money, I'd rather spend the budget on more 250s, than less 600s. They are much easier to blend when you have enough of them. More also give you more scope to do more interesting things.


On our stage - pros 10m wide, and about the same depth, 250s just about hold their own, but more powerful ones would be better. If your space isn't huge, I'd think 250s would be better use of budget.

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I meen you dont have to use a mac do you, so play the field see what suits the application best, ive used most wash lights and in that end of the market and budget wise I would probably be tempted to with either the wash250AT from robe as I believe its better than the mac250 wash, for a 575 head I would go for the mac600 as its more or less a standard, but again the robe equivilent is also excellent.


As you can probably tell ive done quite a lot of work with robe products over the last 2 years and seen there products grow, I wouldnt hesitate in using any of the products they are very realible and offer some great features for not a lot of money.


I was pleased to see the new tour of 'Blood Brothers' are using Robe 1200 profiles and washes the other night in sheffield, they looked and worked like a dream



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Mac 250 washs are a fantastic product. Not quite as noticably bright as the 600 but then thats expected. We have both in hire stock. Without throw distances etc I find it a bit hard to advise, however if they are just there to add a bit of extra colour and effects I would go for the 250 washes. Much quicker than a 600 more than anything.


Addressing the other note, IMHO the 250 washes out perform the robe wash 250AT in terms of light output, colour changes, speed and asthetics.

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One thing to be aware of - the Mac 250 Wash only does 16bit pan & tilt - there is no 8-bit option for this!

On some desks, this can cause random twitching problems if the Coarse channel isn't very stable.


The Mac 600 can be set to 8-bit mode for everything.


Of course, if you're using a 16-bit aware console, this is not an issue!

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