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Practical Lanterns


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Is this lighting or props? Who knows...


Anyway. I have a promenade/multi-space type performance coming up and I'm looking to hire some battery powered practical lantern-type thingys for the lighting of it. Any ideas where could hire them to me. I'm based in South London so close to me is good.


I'm thinking some kind of battery-driven storm lantern-type fixture - hand-held - flicker not essential (It's not totally realistic as a piece)


Any ideas?

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we used some in a show at central about 2 months ago, home made but really looked the part. ill ask the chief on it tommorow where he got them from and for the design, never know if your lucky we might still have our ones about, if so ill see what I can do.



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funyn you should ask that - a production near me have just been using those.


Just get some old paraffin lanterns, and fit a light bulb and PP3 in the base, cover the sides with a bit of light diffusion gel and straw, and it looks realistic!

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