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beta pack won't give out DMX


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I have 2 betapacks which have decided not to give out any DMX. I'm not sure why, but there may have been a power surge which caused this to happen. Same kind of problem happened with our pearl, 2 of the DMX components had to be replaced. Anyone have an idea what I can do to fix the dimmers? They work fine on channel test. They are the old school model with the dial on the right hand side.


thanks a lot

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All I can think of, is that the DMX inputs and outputs are opto isolated? (Is this the case?) If so then a power surge, down the DMX line might have taken out the first DMX circuitry, not sure why the other pack would suffer as well though... It should have been protected by the first in the chain!





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So I'm right in thinking the dimmers are receiving DMX ok, just the link out socket isn't working? If this is correct then I would think a damaged opto-isolator is the likely cause if it has one. A lot of products DMX out is a simple link straight off the DMX in. Could just be a dry solder joint on the DMX out socket?


Give the guys at Zero 88 a call, they're a very helpful bunch. If your prepared to wait there are at least a couple of Zero 88 employees lurking round here who may be able to offer some suggestions.

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I think that I may have already spoken to you about this directly and will be sending you a couple of parts when I have them.

If it was not you then as John said the DMX through on those packs is a straight tap from the input no buffer or opto in the way. So if they are responding to the DMX ok but not allowing connection through to another pack then there is not much in the way that would stop this other than, again as John has suggested, a poor solder joint or broken wire to the actual socket.

Saying that though some of the later models of those packs had a small filter PCB on the back of the DMX output socket. It could be that the components on there have been damaged.

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