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Time Base Correctors

Peter F

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I have a project that will require 8 tbc's with genlock to take 8 non-sync composite sources into a vision mixer that does not have a frame synchroniser built in.


I am struggling to find a source for tbc's. I would prefer to buy new, failing that at least 8 identical. They must rack mount.


The Kramer SP 10D is too expensive (remember I need 8).

Only other one I can find is the VTX one:


They do this as a rack mount, the price is better, they would do the job.


Surely there must be some other models suitable.

In an ideal world someone will point me at an 8way tbc with genlock.


I'm convinced I am suffering some sort of google/ebay blindness here, I can't possibly be the only person with a use for a rack of tbc's nowadays?




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I can't possibly be the only person with a use for a rack of tbc's nowadays?
My guess, and this is pure speculation, is that most people want SDI now perhaps? I shall await sources of TBC's with interest though, now having a few vertical interval matrices, and not many synced sources.
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