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Nexo Ps 15 for Live aplication


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Owning already 8 boxes I'm thinking to use 8 more for live shows. To work with Line arrays I should get the whole system and before that I must buy a 48ch console so for this year I'm planing to work this way. My question is will they work fine? Let's think in shows from 1500 to 5000ppl. I'm not asking to compare them with line arrays or other systems made to work specifically on this kind of application but to have something that sounds decently. I was told that because they are conventional boxes I will have a big trouble with phase cancellation etc. But some other people told me that for 8 boxes per side the problem won't be that big. Only if I keep adding boxes. What do you guys think?


Best regards.

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The problem with using Nexo PS boxes in arrays has been discussed before in other threads. The main thing to watch is the asymetrical horn on the HF driver which may cause phasing if setup incorrectly. I would think (although never having tried) that the maximum PS cabinets that could be arrayed together would be 4, based on the horn dispersion angles.


The other thing to consider is the throw distance of such boxes. The PS range are a short-to-medium throw cabinet and may therefore not be suitable for the larger venues.



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A number of people I know of array the PS15s on two levesl, but with the ones on top flipped upside down so the horns are close together. They say it helps with the overall quality of the sound.


Others say this is nonsense.


Me - I don't know but it may be worth trying... or not.


What do others think?


Dave M


Edit - Wouldn't this solution give a strange "shape" hf response? I assume you would have to flip the horn itself so that (say) the 100deg sides are closest, but then wouldn't the coverage be wider at one point then narrowing off.


Like I said - I heard other people talk about it and have never really thought loads about it, having never needed to actually try it out...




Also, Mr Rock, I try to help where I can. Or maybe I just get in the way. It's all useful for consideration!

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I'd have a read of THIS THREAD which is a previous discussion of the same topic. The 10th post by Mark Payne may be particularly important.


At this stage I should say that I've never personally used or heard an array of ps15s, but I do know Mark's post (and some of the subsequent ones) talk sense. Making an array from speakers not designed for this purpose may make things louder, but at the expense of the sound quality.



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Bad Rock,maybe it's worth looking at this another way?

Maybe you should look at delays to get the level up as opposed to just stacking more boxes each side?

For a start get your boxes up high!

Rob Beech will be along soon to explain this because he does it so much better than me.

8 PS15's is alot of investment, a few delay lines will be alot cheaper!

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Again, I'll agree, read Marks post, theres not really much more too it, they are not designed to be arrayed like this, you'll always get an increase in volume but another 3db on average to lose the linear response and overall sound quality doesn't seem worth it to me.


As for the throw of the box, its the dispersion that controls this, they dont throw any further, a speaker that is louder at 1metre will be louder at 20 metres, Tightening the dispersion usually give you a higher available spl thus a louder level at the back of the room, but it also makes it louder at the front, this is why you need to keep the speakers high, to increase the distance between the front row and the speakers (so as not to deafen them) as you raise the cabs, the people at the back are not seeing the same increase in distance (think right angled triangle) thus the level is not dropping off at the same rate.

Its a rushed and simple explanation.


Off axis response is critical here for the front row, down fills, in fills, etc may be needed depending on the cab response off axis, height at which it stands and the volume at which th cabinet is producing.


If you can get the boxes high enough, with a useable spl you may be surprised at the sort of venues you can do without the need for delays,



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I'm thinking that if you've got about £10000 to spend then it might be a better idea to start looking around at the other options than PS15s. In my experience with them, the ps's are a quite nice sounding, but not very arrayable cab. For this application, then you'll end up with loads of horn overlap and, having listened to an "engineer" do unthinkable things to a perfectly reasonable little RCF rig last friday by putting up 2 a side with them both aimed at exactly the same place, then I'm a bit touchy about this particular phenomenen - more 3-5K anyone?


But how about getting a load of Turbo flood, EAW KF 650, Martin w8, or some nexo alpha e? These cost around the same secondhand per box as the PS15 is new. Another alternative would be to invest in a complete C4 system, which were going recently s/h for about £10000 for four stacks fully amped. I struggle to think that any of these (including the PS15s) will cover 5000 ppl satisfactorily though : (



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In Mr Rock's defence (See how I stand up for you, Bad man?), he comes from a part of the world that is not blessed with the plentiful supply chains we have access to.


Whilst your idea makes sense, I feel that the second hand market is somewhat less developed over there.


I could be wrong.


Dave M

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You may already own four boxes of Nexo, but as said just adding more to it may not be the right option. Your best option is to start from a clean slate. Look at your needs (regardless of what equipment you have now) and see what equipment fits the solution.


You could replace the PS15's with speakers that are arrayable and then sub in the extra boxes when required?


You could replace the PS15's with a system that does everything you need without having to sub in the extra cabinets.


Being open minded is the way forward to the best solution.



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  • 1 year later...

Dear Mr. Riley


By chance Ive been reading your replies over the forum and have the feeling that you may be able to help me.


I am owner of a small company involved in sound and light rental in Mauritius, Indian Ocean.

For the past 8 years, I have been using Yamaha and JBL speakers and I now wish to invest in Noexo PS15 system. I heard that recently and was very much impressed by the power and quality of the PS15,PS15B and L1200.

My budget does not permit me to buy a new set. Since I am far from Europe, maybe you can help me find a company or shop that sells second-hand Nexo. I would be much gratful if you could help me on that.

I thank you in advance for your reply.



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