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Video editing for beginner


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I Want to make a video using several winamp files which I have on my computer and put diffrent sections of the clips into one, add some text and some sound effects.


I am new to this, can anyone give me some advice and programmes to download.

Thank you


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If the files are AVI or WMV or maybe MPG perhaps you could use Win XP's bundled Movie Maker software? I know it's not brilliant, but for what you want it may be passable. Otherwise I'd recommend either Adobe Premier or Sony Vegas, but both of those are professional programs and you'll: 1) pay lots for them, because they are very good, and 2) won't be able to download a (legal) version.




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If the files are AVI or WMV or maybe MPG perhaps you could use Win XP's bundled Movie Maker software? I know it's not brilliant, but for what you want it may be passable. Otherwise I'd recommend either Adobe Premier or Sony Vegas, but both of those are professional programs and you'll: 1) pay lots for them, because they are very good, and 2) won't be able to download a (legal) version.






Perhaps a middle ground (price wise) solution would be to get Adobe Premier elements. As it suggests, its a cut down version of the pro version but is still fairly good. I picked up a copy for about £35



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I use Premier Pro myself, so the "Elements" version might be suitable. However, I should say that the "Pro" version is NOT particularly intuitive and I don't know how easy the cut down version will be to pick up.


Another option might be Magix. I've never tried it myself but last June (when in hospital for a knee op) my bed was next to a guy who was an enthusiastic home video maker who swore by it...he'd tried both Premier Elements and the Magix and said the latter was far easier for him to use...he actually had his wife lug in his laptop and showed me some of his results which were very good indeed. As I say, never tried it myself, but maybe worth a look.


Magix web site: http://site.magix.net/english-uk/home/vide...-11/?no_cache=1



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