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Moving Heads (Movers)


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Basically we have got our school prodution coming up soon and I need to do some lighting design. The production is "Joseph and the amazing technicolour dreamcoat" and I would like some movers as I feel these aer appropriate in this show. I have already decided that I am going to have 2 highend systems trackspots but cant decide what else. I have some experiacne with movers but also have the time to sit down and play with them if needs be. I was thinking along the lines of the Robe colourwash 170AT (I think thats the name or close enough!) what would you guys recommend bearing inmind we have a budget!!! Possibly some macs??


Also the desk we will be using will be either an ETC express 24/48, ETC express 48/96 or a Fat Frog. (I have experiance on the 48/96 but we do not have 96 channels at school so probs will be the 24/48 as this is the exact same bar channels although we might rent some extra dimmers)


Ceers Guys - I appreciate your help and guidance :o

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You say you are from Manshead Upper School, is this the Manshead Upper School in Dunstable?


Did you decide want movers before reading the script and doing your initial conceptual design ideas (i.e. I want this scene to look like this)?


Don't ask us what lanterns to use, do your conceptual design then work out what lanterns can fulfil your needs.

You are designing lighting not playing with toys...

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If you're really going to be using movers (and I'd think carefully about whether you *really* need them or not, since they can add a lot of complexity to a show and good effects come out of a lot of experience), I'd strongly advise you to go for the FatFrog. I don't know if you've tried programming moving lights on the Express series, but it's not particularly intuitive or helpful...


BTW, the 24/48 can actually handle 96 channels, it just doesn't have the sliders to allow you to manually fade each one on...

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Don't ask us what lanterns to use, do your conceptual design then work put what lanterns can fulfil your needs.

You are designing lighting not playing with toys...

I'd agree with JP - if you're bringing kit in, then it's best to decide what effect you want to use then decide what fixtures suit that idea. But I'd also echo the sentiment - we cannot do your work for you. if there's something specific you need to do but can't figure it, then hey - we're here to help. But we don't know you, your cast, your stage, your director or your budget, so we can't hope to help on that basis.

Sorry - but this just sounds like another "design the show for me" topics.

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I think we can safely say that a TW1 is not what this guy is thinking of! Hence his budget comment!


If you are just wanting some effects then Robe 250AT's or mac's for example would be a wise idea...but as has been said it depends on what effect you are after...if you are wanting colour changes rather than gobo effects then wash lights would be more sensible. I would echo that using a desk more suitable for "intelligent" fixtures would be more sensible, but if you just want a steady state with your movers, but you are using them so that you can move locations and run colour chases, then you could struggle through with a generic desk and you would be ok...


I would echo a bit though that designing the show and then thinking how to do it would be more sensible ...


[edit]How many times can I say sensible in one post :o[/edit]

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It was more of a "if you know of any movers better than the 170AT let me know topics" not the design the show for me type
I'll refer back to my original response - we cannot spec your rig for you. We may be able to offer a comparison between 2 or 3 fixture options, but what you use has to be down to you and what you want to do!


And there are lots of movers 'better' than and 'worse' than what you're looking at - as JP says, it depends on what you want to do.


Sorry if that's not what you want to hear, but that's all I have at the mo.


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Yes, the 170 AT's are good units, but not for this. There top end DJ'ing kit to be honest. Compares to Trackspots they'll be pretty dim, and to my knowledge they don't colour mix.. If your getting trackspots I'm guessing your not picking them because of their low weight.


If your wanting your lights to be remotely useful (specially if your getting trackspots as well :S) then you need something thats got at least a 250w lamp. The new mac 250s (depending if you want a wash or profile fixture) the new robe 250 bits aren't bad. But get the 575w heads if you can.


If your able to pick a desk, go for the fat frog. Its a 'reasonable' ML desk, in that it gives you reasonable mover control, palettes, shape generator, etc. The ETC desks, while nice, are going to give you problems when using movers on them. Like others have said, they'll work with the desk, just not as well as a frog would. It's also got pretty decent generic/dimmer control and the cue stacks OK for school jobs.


Whats so good in your view about Trackspots? Their not bad, just a bit puzzled why you'd pick them, their not especially lightweight or do anything too amazing.


Joesephs a nice show to LD on, you get to have some fun with a colourful rig.. But I'd echo what J Pearce said, You are designing lighting not playing with toys... As fun as movers can be when there new to you.



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Have done 'The coat' on more than one occasion, I found it was far more effective to light it without intelligents than with. I found the first design a did invloving lots of Par Bars, ACL's and Gobos for my 'effect' looks and then a standard 4 colour wash with plenty scrollers worked far better than a rig I designed later when I decided to incoperate 6 VL5 B's (to replace some of the bar pars due to venue space) and 4 VL2000 spots for overhead specials.


Whilst to the average theatre goer the rig with the intelligents was very crisp and the movement chases got the desired 'WOW;' factor specified by the director, I felt more comfortable with the straight generic rig. (I was in bed on time more with the generic scroller rig heheh)


As everyone else has said, have a think about what you want to achieve then decide if its what you want to do. Avoid the express if you do go down the intelligents route, but remember with the fog, you'll need to play with the wait/follow on times to avoid seeing the light beams across the stage whilst the fixture moves from posistion A - B in a blackout.




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I've done Joseph, I didn't use Moving Lights.

Getting good washes for the coat colours was where I focused (pun intended) much of my time.


Doing good fixed colours for the French feel Canan Days is an opportunity to enhance the piece.


Have you a campfire for the "round the campfire" scene? Have you thought how you will light the set to give the feel of a campfire (I'm assuming you won't have a real fire on stage).


Blinky 80's disco lights for the Elvis scene.


What colour is your "daylight in the desert" going to be? Open white? Slightly Blue? Slightly Yellow?


How will you light the Jail scene to get the atmosphere but still show everyone?


These are areas where you need to focus your attention.


Given that it's a school I would be concentrating on having enough generics to light the whole play not on what cool things I can do with two Movers.


If it all goes wrong on the night and you have to busk the show you'll be glad you don't have to rely on programmed Movers!

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I didnt mean joseph at all (got confused) meant a competition called "house entertainment"


Anyway I have it all sorted now


So you not only ask us to consider doing the design work for you but then announce that after all you gave us the wrong show????


The more cynical part of me is screaming TROLL!!!


:o :angry: :)

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I didn't mean Joseph at all (got confused) meant a competition called "house entertainment"
:o huh?


Surely you'd have to completely crackers to get those two mixed up..


Maybe one of the entries for this 'house competition' is a scene from Joseph and you mistook it for the whole show?


I'm with Ynot. Get your facts strait before coming to us.. weather its to do your work for you or something else!



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