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5Kw profile


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hi guys,


can anyone help me with a rider that keeps coming round.. its a french outdoor theatre co. they want:


"1 x lens spotlights 5 Kw with colour scrollers and socles"


I know what you're thinking.. "colour scroller = fresnel", but first time I got in a big arri 5k fresnel and was told "ze lens.. itz noo goood". 2nd time I got a 2.5K profile and what told "ze lighht, itz noo goood". have asked for clarification or example make / model to no avail. I don't think they mean PC or floods as they explicitly list 1Kw floods & PC's as well as other type of lanterns: e.g. HMI followspot, city colour etc. running out of ideas.


anyone with a suggestion?





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I'm not sure about 5k profile, but you could try something like a D'ARTAGNAN 900SNX

MSR 2500W. Its made by robert juliat, now although its only 2500w, because its an MSR lamp, its closer and whiter to a 5K lamp. with a bit of fabrication you can fit a 15'' wybron scroller to the front of it.


http://www.robertjuliat.fr/ - its under the theatre spotlights section, in products.



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They probably won't like the "quality" of light from a HMI if they're expecting a Tungsten.


If they absolutely refuse to provide a make and model, refuse to supply it on the grounds that it isn't available in this country, but they can bring their own with pleasure.

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