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Audix D6 mic problem/repair


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Hi all,


My church has an Audix mic set in which the D6 kick mic is playing up. It was used by someone in a battle of the bands competition and since then keeps cutting out. It was working fine when I sound checked it this morning but then 5 minutes later it stopped working again. No signal was coming through at all. It did the same thing the previous week.


1) Has anyone got any idea what may be causing this?

2) Is it possible to open up the D6 mic to look inside/repair?


I left the mic at the venue so can't answer my second question by looking right now. Oh, and we've tried the different cable, multi channel desk channel etc and it doesn't make a difference.


Thanks in advance.




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Hi Adam, I use the D6 regularly and have never had any trouble with it at all, certainly not what you describe. IRC (its in the mic box in the van) it can be taken apart but I would warn you about warranty issues before you do.


If your set is out of warranty it may still be worth getting in touch with the company or at least where you got the set from to see if they can give any advice. A poor connection would be a guess, with the high input and vibration a kick drum mic is presented with would explina an intermittent fault like that you describe.


At the times where the mic IS working, is it working as normal or is it a weak signal? perhaps a distorted signal? or a signal different to that of a normal D6?




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It did seem that I needed to push the gain more than normal, the signal didn't sound distorted. I was in a rush so didn't get a chance to play with it too much, just had to get another mic in and working.


I think the mics came direct from Audix and are over a year old so are out of warranty. Think it looks like I may have to some how take it apart. If anyone knows how to do that, please let me know.....

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It wasn't that clear as I thought I'd mentioned it but went to check and couldn't see where! Even I had to read it twice!


I picked the mic up earlier and just opened it up, you can't really do much with it though. Most of the connections that I could see seemed to be intact. I'll try contacting the lead dealer over the next couple of days.


Somehow I doubt that I will have it working by next Thursday when I need it for a gig! Oh well.


Thanks for your help guys.



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I should be ok. I'm hiring in a PA for the gig and my mic kit is to be used on the second drum kit for the support act. I'm hoping the hire company may have a spare kick mic or if not I should be able to get a D112 off some friends.


Just I really like the sound of the D6.



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I probably would have been able to sort you with a D6 for the gig if you still wanted one. (Rob was referring to me - he sent me a message regarding it). I also have a D112.


I work in Shoreham, so not a million miles away... Got some Audix Tom mics too - D4s I believe.


Eitherway, I hope you get it sorted.





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