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Shimmering back curtain


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I saw a similar situation in a local school production a few years ago. The way they got round it was to use a black sequinned cloth - it had large gaudy silver sequins on it, and came from an asian "sari shop". Apparently it was ridiculously cheap. Stapled onto the top of the flats which were being used for the other scenes, when not in use it was just flipped over the top, and hung down the back of the flats...
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If you get some slash, couldn't you find away of joining the bottom bits together, (black ribbon) and then have some fishing line drop down over the top of the flat, so that when the scene is over a quick yank on the line will pull the slash over the top and out the way?


Hope this helps



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I saw this stuff on a roller for the Hot Box in Guys and Dolls many years ago. The roller was at the bottom and moved up and down on a rope system. I'm not sure exactly how it worked in principle. I do know that it worked ok once and on every other occasion either stuck on the way down but more often on the way up. Either way it didn't look good. Especially the time it ended up at 45 degrees and wouldn't go up or down. Oh, how we laughed! Well, the audience did anyway. (It was my first excursion into theatre and my last attempt at being an actor.)


I was about to use it in Disco Inferno in February but the Sparkly Sari Cloth idea is a good one. Bombay Stores here I come.

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