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Feedback SFX


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We are doing a Production of Annie in a couple of weeks, and have seen that we need some Feedback as a SFX.


Is it best to try and find a SFX, or just do it 'live'? We will be using Shure SH55's for this scene.


Thanks in Advance



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I'd be inclined to go down the SFX route. Trying to do it live just seems a little too risky to me - when you actually want feedback, sod's law says you'll struggle to get it and when it does appear, it'll be unpleasantly loud for the audience. A fairly quiet recorded squeak would seem a better bet.
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Use a sound effect! If the onset of feedback was 100% controllable, we'd never have it! Keeping it to a pre-recorded effect ensures you can give the impression of feedback without deafening the audience.



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Definitely use a recorded SFX. Where is there feedback in "Annie"? Back in the Triassic period I created the SFX for the original production of Annie, and I don't remember feedback. The radio show maybe? Well, it was a long time ago.



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just done annie, didnt have a feedback effect, but just a tip, if you use a feedback destroyer with a couple of filters on audio searching, dont, make sure they are all locked in, on my first time of using my FBX, a guitar had a feedback pedel, and the FBX did its job and killed the feedback, result one annoyed guitar player
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In "Fool Moon" with Bill Irwin there was a scene where Bill gets tangled up in the cable to a wired SM58. The requirement was for feedback that could change in sync with his movements as he twisted around the mic and stand, and flopped the cable around. The designer loaded some prerecorded feedback into a sampler, and played it back via a piano keyboard with the pitch controled by the which piano key was used. The soundman played the SFX live on the keys.



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Thanks for all the replies.


(BTW the Feedback SFX is on page 83 in my script)


I will use a pre-recorded effect as suggested. Does anyone know where I can get one from (preferably free ;) )





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Does anyone know where I can get one from (preferably free ;) )


Can't remember coming across one in a library. I would have a go at recording one yourself if you have the kit. Should be fairly straightforward...



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I would suggest record it and put it on a CD, and make sure it sounds like your delibrately trying to make feedback, because it could look bad for the tech crew ** laughs out loud **.


Which Annie show are you doing? We have Annie arriving on the 20th for setup. (Exmouth Pavillion)

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