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Pyro in schools today


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Hi there,


I have been asked by my school's director and the technician to look into use of pyro in an upcoming show. Don't worry, I am aware that, as a student, I can have nothing to do with the actual effect; I have just been asked to find some leads for them to follow up.


I have read this topic. However, I am aware that, since that topic, Premises licencing has changed, new MSER regs have come in, and the regulations relating to fire have changed (Fire Risk Assessments etc). So, my question is, What does a school need to do, in order to use pyrotechnics within a performance, bearing in mind the licencing shake-up?


As I understand it, they need to:

  • Check conditions of PEL
  • Risk Assess
  • Add to fire risk assessment
  • Have someone over 18 (competent, therefore probably trained) to fire
  • Clear line of site from operator to device

Is there anything else? Have I missed anything?


Thanks in advance




EDIT: Cool, post 333!

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The fact it's a school has no bearing on what you need to do. To take your points in order...

  • Check conditions of PEL - Yes but being pedantic there is no such thing as a PEL, it's now a Premises Licence.

  • Risk Assess - Yes.

  • Add to fire risk assessment - Yes. You've all got one of these haven't you? The FSO passed into law on 1st October. You can proably expect to have to show it to people if the fire service ever attend your premises.

  • Have someone over 18 (competent, therefore probably trained) to fire - Yes. The official guidance for the FSOs says...

Pyrotechnics should only be used by a person(s) who is trained and competent to handle them.
  • Clear line of site from operator to devices - Covered by 'competent'.

MSER is unlikely to be an issue. Click here to see why.

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Have you found out if the insurance will allow the use of pyro in school.Does the insurance also matter, since it has a license from the council for it as a public entertainment building.(It is on the doors to BHT or used to be). They would look very good in a show.
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Mod mode on:This is personal chat, aimed directly at me, without benefit for the community at large. Please do not do this again.


Mod mode off:However, to answer a few of your points:


No, I haven't found out about insurance, the school legal eagles need to look into that. However, it is on the list of things to look into that I gave the technician.


The document affixed to the Theatre doors was not the PEL, they were TENs (Temporary Event Notifications), to do with serving alcohol.


I agree, pyrptechnics probably would look good in a show. If we end up not using any, it is more likely to be for practical, not artistic reasons.



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Does the school even have insurance? School is vaguely Government, and back when I worked with Government they as policy didn't have insurance, as it was cheaper not to pay the premiums, but just cover the losses as they occured...
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