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The school I work for is putting on a production of Arabian Nights just

before christmas. As part of this we are looking to hire/buy a number

of Marionettes for part of the production. So far trawling the web has

drawn a blank and I have been unable to find ones suitable for the

directors wishes.


What we are looking for is two puppetts - one loooking like a sailor

(or a man that can be dressed as such) and a bird. These need to be

big enough for tha stage so looking at about 3/4ft high or similar -

all the ones I have found so far have been minature ones about 1ft high

which are no good for what we want.


As well as buying the Marionettes we are also looking at running a workshop for the kids operating the Marionettes so that they are able to use them properly so if you know of anyone that does both.. bonus! :)


Oh and we are based near Bradford in the UK.


Anybody with any ideas please come forward - we would be highly


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If you are running a work shop then that company might possibly be able to help you make or have a supplier or even loan them out.


The obvious place for me is Hamleys I think I have a 2ft one from there.


I also had a super quick google and found http://www.czechmarionettes.com/default.aspx there is a link on there for Czech Marionette Theatre's. Might be worth having a poke about.

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