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What is a "dog box"


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As said of mixer flight cases?


Ive come across the word a couple of times this week, and I've never heard it before. I notice it has been used in discussion here before, but there is no definition.


Is it some sort of multipin connector, like a d sub or one of those edac things, so as one doesnt have to do a lot of plugging in of XLR's?


Cheers folks



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So is the "spider" the name for the multipin connector to the vast array of XLR's (or a lampie's equivalent) plugged into the back of the mixer?


Lampies have "spiders" (probably because there's usually 6 'legs'!)


Audio have "tails" for their multicores. Perhaps because they resemble a "cat o' nine tails" ?


You will find references to both 'dog box' and 'dog kennel'. They key thing is that it allows the multicore to be left plugged up when the desk is cased (obviously it needs a multipin connector on the cable!).


This saves quite a bit of time when setting up and tearing down - you can connect 48 inputs and perhaps 12 outputs plus numerous inserts in just two big multipins. Bliss!




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Not bad for a lampie! :angry:


The only thing I'd add is that it's often (though far from always) an integral part of the flight case and therefore not necessarily wood. Basically, it's just an enclosed space (with cable opening(s) and hinged access enclosing the mixer's connectors and allowing some cable management away from busy fingers in the crowd.


Hmmm...just had a thought. THIS POST in the "Show your Show" thread sort of shows a dog box behind the Midas mixer at Fairport Convention's Cropredy festival this year.



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Some case manufacturers prefer to call them a more descriptive thing such as Cable Compartments, but I think that's a little boring.


Lampies have "spiders" (probably because there's usually 6 'legs'!)


Maybe they should therefore be called "insects" since spiders are Arachnids and thus have 8 legs :angry:

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Go back to sleep Si.


better still, write it up on the Blue room Wiki.


then go back to sleep :angry:


To add, I know a number of dog boxes that dont (or at least didn't) leave holes for the desk lamps. I think Mr Lewis may know of one of these too!



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but why Dog? I don't keep dogs in the back of my desk? just think of the mess.. let alone what the animal protection people would have to say about it.. usually just got a set of tails, a 58 and if its the monitor desk a packet of B&H for the band to ponce.
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