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looking to buy some more miniature headsets.. currently use DPA 4066. only got a few as they are bit pricey, but they are the best I've used so far.. so would welcome your thoughts regarding the alternatives: DPA 4088 or Countryman ISOMAX E6. or stick with the 4066.


application: theatre / musical / comedy


ta mucho



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Both the 4066 and the E6 are lovely sounding mics. My personal view is that the 4066 has it on sound by a gnat's whisker, but there's not a lot to it (and my opinion can vary a bit depending on the voice using the mic).


I've never had a chance to A/B compare the 4066 and 4088.



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cheers bob,


since using the 4066's I've never looked at anything else.. really should get out more often.


I've heard said the countryman was a bit warmer, but the DPA has edge on level.


anyone in here A/B's the 4088?





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I've only ever used the Countryman E6 and have been very impressed by the sound quality. We use one most weeks at my local church for the sermons with a EW100 radio transmitter and can't fault the sound.


The only slight issue we seem to have is that the microphone tends to move a bit, especially if the preacher has a skinny head/ear. Sometimes it tends to drop down away from the mouth so the sound becomes slightly muffled. Apart from using tape to hold it in place I'm not sure if there is anything else you can do to avoid that.



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walter @ soundnetwork send me a DPA4088 to listen too. its great.. gain, tone, rejection all very very good. But I've decided to buy more DPA4066 as it is slightly less picky about positioning. there was a definite 'sweet spot' for the 4088 positioning, get the fitting wrong and the sound wasn't so good. the 4066 seems more forgiving. you fit a headset on a turn and it tends to wander as they fiddle with it. or hire it out to someone who doesn't position it just right etc etc.


I understand the 4088 is designed for appilications where there is a lot of foldback on stage.. apparently brit row use a fair number of 4088's. but then again I've never had serious feedback problems with the 4066 on reasonably loud shows.


so 4066's it is. meanwhile I have gig this week with countryman C6 on the rider, so will sub-hire and get chance to A/B the DPA with Countryman.


thanks for your comments guys.



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I swear by the E6 - absolutely love it. Its very minimalist in its design and works perfectly for our applications - I find a little bit of tape behind the ear holds everything in place nicely. Also, make use of the cable clips to clip the cable to the back of the collar with a bit of slack that way cable strain doesnt contribute to the mic moving.


The sound quality is first rate, and it comes with a couple of different end caps for the capsule which modifys the pickup pattern etc...


IMHO - go for the E6

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