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RCF TT22A's...


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Hi folks..


Did anyone hear the new RCF TT boxes at Plasa? Or anywhere else for that matter? I haven't, but I have fallen in love with the spec sheet and a colleague who did hear them says they sound very much like the KV2 EX10/ EX12 speakers, if a little physically larger (if anyone has worked regularly in real life with these speakers, please do let me know how you've got on). His actual words were "they sound absolutely fantastic." I work for a distribution company that deals with both RCF UK and KV2 direct, and having stepped out of the murky puddle that is the JBL Eon/ rough (and mouldering) home build subs/ back breaking amp rack, I'm looking at putting together a few quid and putting it into a small, light, powerful and sweet sounding rig- question is, which way should I jump? I love the RCF sound, and I do trust my knowledgeable colleagues opinion, but I know as fact I could die happy with a pair of KV2 10's... I'm not even thinking of sub just yet, as my funds will not so far extend on my meagre take-home. This is a longer term consideration, though, and I think I'd like some active 15's, best off matching brand, maybe from a cheaper range (maybe the RCF ART powered sub?).


Any suggestions? Are there any alternatives out there that I should look into? I'm pretty sold on the active way, and my employer's network of suppliers is pretty expansive in the field of audio...


Also, if, for example, I dived in on a pair of TT22's, would it be a sin to run them from an MG10/2? I like the little Yammys, and all I basically need at the minute is a couple of mics maybe and certainly some stereo ins. For the same money I could get a slightly bigger Phonic desk which might be useful for getting paid jobs, and I'm really impressed with the features and the price of a lot of there stuff lately, but is it going to sound shocking and break a lot? I had a smaller Behringer UB and that produced very low level output, such that wouldnt drive my old amp, and I really didnt like the EQ...


What would everyone else do, in such a situation? I'm still a relative novice, so all helpful words are greatly appreciated.





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I can't comment on speaker choice, but as far as your choice of mixers go....... I have had the same Yammy as you for a little while now and find it to be a cracking buy (especially as on offer from Studiospares at the mo.), it sounds reasonably good and has enough usability to make it worth the money. Although the addition of PFL would be nice.


As for Phonic mixers: the venue I have just taken over had a few for portable systems. The ones that still run sound and feel terrible. They are cheap, but if it was my wallet I would save a bit more and raise the bar a bit.



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Thanks for the reply. I think, in the fullness of all time, it'll be the Yammy- I actually work for Yamaha dealer, and we get a slightly higher discount than most off the dealer prices, because we sell on into the trade, not to the public. The speaker system is gonna be in the thousands, so 50 quid on a mixer isnt an issue. Since you raised studiospares... It's kinda sad that the likes of DV, GAK, and studiospares (until you add carriage) are cheaper than my own companies staff sale. I think that might well be the subject of my next post.. Watch this space.


Back to the Yammy mixers- like I say- I work for a dealer, and considering the number of mixers we se go out, very very few ever come back. Its good gear.


If anyone does stumble across this thread who knows about the speakers I've referred to, please feel welcome to come in!





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Hi Rob,


The first point I would like to address is the following comment.


It's kinda sad that the likes of DV, GAK, and studiospares (until you add carriage) are cheaper than my own companies staff sale.


In this business there are two types of companies, IMHO - Box Shifters - who's purpose is to make money by turning over as many units as possible - and pro-audio companies who specialise in the field, know what they are talking about and are there to advise and support their customers. Generally you will find that the latter will sell the same products at higher prices but the added service should account for that. At the end of the day its the buyer's choice as to where they shop but take that into account.


Next point, the RCF TT22's...


Don't know much about them unfortunately but have had a look at the spec sheet. Strange that the sensitivity is missing and it would appear that there is no pole-mount option - strange for a powered top... As you say that you work for an RCF distribution company I would have thought that you should be able to get your hands on a demo unit pretty easily to assess the system for yourself.


As an alternative, it may be worth looking at the new Active tops from Fohhn. Now, yes I'm baised but they are worth checking out. Each top is fitted with '2' channels of amplification rather than just a single that everyone else does. This means that a single, active top can drive a second passive unit as a stereo pair OR can drive a sub! Now that may be useful if you are planning to expand in the future. Not much info on them as they have just been released but keep your eye on the Fohhn Website.


would it be a sin to run them from an MG10/2?

Well, the wee Yamaha desks are very good value for money. Well built and quiet. However, the let-down for me is the EQ. Sounds naff! If you are looking to maintain quality throughout then it is probably worth looking a bit higher. Soundcrafts new EPM mixers may be worth a look as I have heard good comments about them.





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Hi Steve


I completely agree with what you said about the two types of companies. I happen to work for one of the latter- you can get the goods cheaper elsewhere sometimes, but we look after our customers properly. ;)


As to your points on the RCF, the demo unit idea is a good suggestion, and I may well do that nearer the time. Thanks for the tip on the Fohhn gear, I wasn't aware of it, and it sounds like a pretty cunning sort of an idea. Where it'll stack up price wise, I dont know..


Thanks for your input on the Yammy desks too. I've never been convinced by Soundcraft, for a couple of reasons. First, and probably foremost is Harman- not too bad at the minute, but in my formative months in the industry they appeared to me to be a very hit and miss sort of operation, and the sales line was consistently manned only by an answering machine. Its a lot better now, but I think it may have shaped a lasting impression- which yeh I know is no basis to judge the gear. Also, the one big desk we sold was a Ghost, which went to a college in Cumbria. It was (do forgive me-) dead on arrival :) , and no end of buggering about wouldnt solve the problem, including site visits and all sorts. Bit of a let down on a 4 grand desk. Also, others have said that Soundcraft mic pre's are crap. I guess you pays your money and you takes your choice.


On reflection, I'm not gonna buy so much as a mic lead til the far side of Christmas, so only time will tell. :D


Cheers again



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I've never been convinced by Soundcraft...

Also, others have said that Soundcraft mic pre's are crap.


I would have to agree that Soundcraft have been a little inconsistent over the years. However, their latest offerings seem to be back on track. The MH3 and MH4 desks are fabulous (okay, they lack the 'MIDAS' badge but technically are fabulous). We have the GB4 desks on our hire stock now and they have been well received and although I haven't tried the new EPM desks at the compact end I have heard good things about them. All the mic pre-amps have been redesigned so it looks like Soundcraft have straightened out their operation again. Here's hoping they stay on track.



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  • 2 months later...

Hi Rob,


We had a demo of the TT+ gear about a month ago and it was great, have heard good reports of the KV2 cabs as well but as yet not heard them. I have looked at the specs and prices and the RCF cabs look better priced, the 10" cab was cheaper but I prefer 12" or 15" boxes as they give a bit more bottom end, I dont know if KV2 do a 15" couldn't see on their website but the 12" is more expensive than the RCF.


If you work for a dealer you should be able to borrow a pir for a gig, I can't remember the RCF guy's name but he came to us with a van and with all the kit in it and showed us, we then had him back to a couple of weekend s later and we used the system on a job (big indoor sports hall in kent for a corporate party) we only needed to take a small van with some kit in it and meet the RCF guy there and done the dem. For us it would be great as the RCF guy only has a small van and he says he can get his line array demo system with subs in it, saves money on trucking costs.



Let me know when you hear them and what you think?

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