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Myths or facts

David A

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Can I introduce Health & Safety myths? The ones I tend to hear are "you have to PAT everything every 12 months", "it's illegal to use something that hasn't got a green tested sticker on it" plus the increasingly frequently heard "apparently it's now illegal to use ladders." I'll probably think of some more in 5 minutes time :)
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Can I introduce Health & Safety myths? The ones I tend to hear are "you have to PAT everything every 12 months", "it's illegal to use something that hasn't got a green tested sticker on it" plus the increasingly frequently heard "apparently it's now illegal to use ladders." I'll probably think of some more in 5 minutes time <_<

1. It is NOT illegal to use equipment without an in-date sticker on it. It's just that if there's an accident, you have a better standpoint ifit HAS been tested within the prescribed timescales. The problem is those timescales are in the main recommendations, and variable depending on the type of equipment and how it is used.


2. Again, it can NEVER be illegal to 'use ladders'. There may be house rules (good or bad ones) which disallow employees, outside techs (and even students!) from using ANY of the working at height equipment. This is for the resident crew/visiting crew to sort out bewteen themselves, IMHO. There may also be restrictions on WHERE in a venue a ladder may be used.

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