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Digital Addressable Lighting Interface (DALI)

Guest lightnix

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Guest lightnix

I've started to notice increasing references to this new protocol at PLASA, especially this year.




I just wondered if anybody had come across it yet. I haven't had time to have a good dig around the above site and so am not sure of its "implications" (for want of a better word). Does it have a place in entertainments, or is it more for installations?


DMX is already being used in many architectural installations, as an established solution (for all its faults and foibles), is there any point in having another protocol? What are the advantages of DALI over DMX (or vice versa)?

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DALI is mainly used in architectural applications, used for control of fluorescent fittings. Think it maybe used because it has the capability of error reporting. At our place (Coventry University) in our library we have a system installed where every light fitting within the building is dimmable. There is a PC which controls the system, if a lamp goes anywhere in the system, or there is some kind of fault then this is reported to that PC on a graphical Overview. The system also controls blinds, and has an input in to the system from a sky scanner, basically a small dome with 5 solar panels in. This tracks the sun in the sky, then dims the lights down on the side of the building where the sun is. Our system isn't DALI, it is DSI, another architectural lighting protocol, it is possible to convert between these standards I think. I think the differences between DMX, DALI and DSI are the fact that a DMX system is a WHOLE lot easier to install and set up than a DALI or DSI system would be. Also I think that DALI and DSI are slower transmission rates than DMX. So really I could only see a use for DALI in a say, studio theatre that has Fluorescent lamps, and they want them under DMX control.


Hope that makes sense!

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I have had very good experiences recently using DMX-DSI convertors for dimming fluorescents. Bought the units from a German company to do the protocol switch and standard DSI fluorescent ballasts. To be honest the first effective flourescent dimming I have come across. Works beautifully from 1% to 100% steplessly.
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