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:** laughs out loud **: hi all that may visit my topic.

Need some help in getting public liability insurance to do firework displays. been in contact with the main three companies that provide cover for displays, two of them wont do annual insurance and torribles want a fortune.

does anybody know where Else you can get public liability from or a way round it with other insurance so you can still buy cat 4 from suppliers. every thing Else is in place to get the show on the road just the insurance that is the real sticking point. and just for general interest for everybody I have recently opened my own firework shop and I am a member of the BPA.


So if there is any other display companies out there that have found a solution to my problem please let me know. :o

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Would have thought that your membership of the BPA would be the first point of call.


BPA Website


Lots of us are with Torribles and believe you me... our premiums have been a lot higher than their current level.


Cat 4 will always attract that fact.





(I note that you are a BPA trained Level 1 "Firer" working out of the Fantastic Fireworks company which is not the same as being a company BPA "Member" - That may very well have some baring on why you are being quoted high premiums.)

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we use the Insurance Experts http://www.theinsurancexperts.com. very good company. really helpful.. and are actively working to reduce premiums for fireworks companies (unlike others). the reduction in premiums over the last year or so I think is down to these guys bringing in their new policy.. competition = lower premiums. this is just my opinion..


(I note that you are a BPA trained Level 1 "Firer" working out of the Fantastic Fireworks company which is not the same as being a company BPA "Member" - That may very well have some baring on why you are being quoted high premiums.)


being members of the BPA or not (or even having BPA qualifications) made no difference to our premiums. but I guess it depends which insurance company you use..


torribles want a fortune.


yup.. its expensive! and most insurance companies want you to be able to prove that you are competant to put on shows. not just a little bit of experience.. but a good understanding (sorry if you know all this).. read the various H&S guideline documents and regs..etc you should be able to get most of them online, for staters...




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Roy at the Insurance Experts would be your best bet, but if you are going away from the FF fold, get ready to dig deep. They will want a good idea of your experience before thay will even quote you.


I am also x FF about 8 years now, if you have any specific problems PM me and I will point you in the correct direction.


Roy was putting smaller co's in the general direction of Illuminate who run a good set of training in the risk assessment and paperwork requirements of what you are about to do and will guide you through the regs and requirements. FF were doing a lot of background paperwork which you never saw, and I am afraid you will need to start doing it for yourself now.


Torribles, leave you to your own devices but send you an assessor each year to review your paperwork and methodology.


I am awaiting a premium from a new insurance entrant, who has agreed they will take on insurance risk for fireworks. If it comes off, I will let the group know, however meantime you only have the 2 choices, unless you are in the millions turnover range, when there is a third option, min premium is £30,000 if I recall.


Dont be put off though, give Roy a call and see how the land lies



Midnight Storm

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Surely if you are operating under the Fantastic Firework umbrella , their insurance covers you.


Not unless you are firing their contracted show with their kit, if your sister gets married, the savings are basically your firing fee, they used to have a trade list with 75mm shells at about £5 each and you designed your own show, (75mm shells are around £1 from the rest of the trade).



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