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Dead par 56's

David A

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Yesterday I fitted 12 new GE lamps into Kupo cans in a new installation and within 24hrs lost 10 of them with cracked glass between the pins letting the vacuum out and blowing up the lamps am I very unlucky or has anyone else had trouble?
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No, but a 10/12 failure rate within 24 hrs would have me straight on the phone to my supplier for some nice new lamps!


I'm probably teaching you to suck eggs, but don't forget to meter the supply to the par cans to make sure everything's wired right! Of course, reading your description more closely, could these have been damaged in transit? Or could the lamp holders be arcing out, thus causing localised heat and cracking?


BTW I haven't changed any par lamps recently, but I've always had good luck in the past with GE ones.





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Although I've never had that many go quite so instantly (in the scheme of things for a 2,000hr lamp life) I would guess you have a very dodgy batch... We did have a situation a few months back where GE SuperPar 64 lamps were blowing up in all sorts of ways - we contacted our supplier and got them swapped out.



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Of course, reading your description more closely, could these have been damaged in transit?


This is what I was thinking. I bought 8 Par 56's about 8 months ago along with a dimmer pack and 2 T-Bars, of the 8 lamps that came only two worked and they must have been damaged in transit because there was nothing from them initially. Fortunately the company that sold me them agreed an exchange so all was good.

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I've had my fair share of bad lamps, which have mainly been sold on to venues for use in their cans / movers. A short time ago, a load of these, which were a mixture of ELCs and HTI150s, failed after around 3 hours on, continuously.


This is nearly a year ago, and I'm still waiting for some replacements, cause, apparently, "the report from the manufacturer hasn't come back yet".


Hmph :** laughs out loud **:

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