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Iris issues

the kid

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I have had a trawl through Br and the net and to no avail.


At work we have a Selecon chorus 1200 follow spot. It works fine but the iris is very loose. Is there any way to tighten it and stop it from going to full body to face in a matter of seconds?


I have looked on the Selecon site and can find how to change it, but we have no money to get a new one.


Any ideas?

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Chorus irises seem to be useless. We have half a dozen in the hire stock and the irises are always jamming, falling apart etc etc


All of ours are still on their Selecon Warranty so just get sent back every time - they are probably regretting that warranty the number of the things that have gone back.


Try contacting the distributor you got them from if you can and see what they are prepared to do (if anything)

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If you get in touch with Selecon UK they should be able to supply you with an iris tension part for the Chorus - not sure how much this will cost.


There is a known weakness with the Chorus iris especially if you use the iris as a shutter with the lamp burning for any length of time - always best to use a dimmer to control. This part was designed to provide more friction between the iris arm and the body of the followspot making it less likely to auto close.

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If you can find some material that will take the heat, you can cut a slot in it and use it to provide a friction brake to slow down the movement of the iris lever.


This is one job that gaffa tape will NOT do ! as the friction lock cannot be sticky. Something of a teflon nature and the width of the slot will determine the amount of friction. It needs to be attached so it will not move. Perhaps gaffa could do this task.


If you look at reasonable quality faders on a lighting desk you will see a dust seal with the pot shaft sticking up through it. That's the sort of slot I am trying to describe.

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