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Flaglike decorations with lights in (pics included)


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First off, I've posted in lighting, but not sure if it would be more suited to another part of the forum, but for the moment, here it is.


In the middle of July, I was at Guilfest and spotted this,


Which was a rather nice looking flag kind of thing, that must have stood about 8 m high at a guess.


Then, when the sun went down, a load of little lights came on and lit it through the night.

http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j267/martinhoddinott/DSCF0735.jpg(sorry for the poor picture, but my camera didn't like the darkness)


On closer inspection, it appeared to have a solar panel presumably to charge the lights during the day.


I am now beginning to organise a small outdoors event with marquees etc, and I'm currently thinking that hiring probably 6 or 8 of these flags would suit the event well, depending on costs. However, I have no idea where to start looking for similar items, and so was wondering if anyone had any tips on companies to speak to.

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