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Edinburgh Fringe 2006


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Hello all those involved in this years Fringe.

How's it all going so far???


Myself - well apart from the first few days of not having sleep (yes I worked 2 days of 17 hrs!!!) I am feeling more relaxed. See there is only myself as the lighting engineer in my venue (The Bongo Club venue 143) hence why I was working long hours.


Not had any real problems, except I did get a big rant about why I shouldn't have taken down someones aerial silks without asking. They had to be taken down though because they were in front of another shows performance area.


The odd bulb blowing here and there, which in a nightclub is all the time. Always running out of smoke fluid. We did have a club night where the band had graffitted all over the floor with chalk and the music was stopped and the houselights came on. Typical punk anarchists though.



Share your thoughts and experiences.....

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Well, I'm taking a week off and doing my day job, but the rigging week was hell - we discovered that neither speaker at the second venue worked (they'd both blown at some point previously), so we borrowed a couple off the nice man at the Gateway. Then the power we'd had installed for the lights was a little sensitive to surges, so I had to get the breaker changed. Then when our new speakers arrived, a group managed to blow them in their first performance.


Every cloud... : I talked to Class D, and they're sending me a new pair of speakers and a new driver, so I'll have 4 working speakers by the end of the month....


And everything was ready for the first tech.


Now I'm running BO/FOH/VM, while waiting for more problems to occur.

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It's going great for me, but then I'm not actually there - just most of my kit is!


Blacklight haven't phoned me yet to say that loads of things have broken down, so as far as I'm concerned, it's going great.


Does that count? :(

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Remember us? We did "A Grimm Tale" and I kept forgetting how to release the sliders.


Ah yes of course I remember you guys. See I told you the Masterpiece wasn't very good for simple theatre cues.

Strange how BR members are out there but you never realise you could be talking to one.




Oh I forgot to add... a few days ago we were doing a one man 'Withnail and I' show and the actor fell too far back onto the stage in one scene and cut his ear from hitting a set chair from behind. The show got immediately cancelled, he walked off with blood pouring in his hand and the audience sat in confusion for a couple of minutes. He got taken to hospital and had a few stitches in his ear. He was back doing his show the next again day.

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I went up to Ed for the preview week to design and program 'Honk!' with RHMT at C-1, Chambers Street. Was a good laugh, spent a week up there sleeping on a sofa while the cast had beds and proper comfort (nice to know that technicians are appreciated!!). The first night we even resorted to sleeping in a transit van as we didn't have keys to our flats!


Did quite a bit of preprogramming down at Whitelight, thanks to the generous guys down there who let us use Wysiwyg and a 520. Unfortunately we were using Robe units which aren't in the Wysiwyg library so we couldn't do as much as planned. On getting to the venue in Ed I had to use a 300 series as there was no room for a 520 in the control area (it was at this time when I asked can you not make some room?!). You take moving light programming for granted when used to a 520 and have to use a 300.


Tech from 9pm till 1am and got the show looking how I wanted it to and the next couple of shows I tidied it up as we went along, changing cue times and states.


Final outcome is what I think a technically slick show, but I'll let you be the judge of that! Come and see it if you are about, 12.45pm in C-1! (Though I have left the director to operate the show so if the cue times are out you can't blame me!)


By the way, if you are up in Ed, Robin Ince is not to be missed. A comedy genius. Go see him.

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It's going great for me, but then I'm not actually there - just most of my kit is!


Blacklight haven't phoned me yet to say that loads of things have broken down, so as far as I'm concerned, it's going great.


Does that count? :(


Well, all the blacklight gear we have is still fine - but then it's only a few lights and some rigging.


Kudos to the riggers tho - I got so much more than I asked for - great guys.

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It's not going too badly for us (Venue 13 - about 2 minutes walk away from the bongo club - free internet :D )

Shows are going ok, have had a couple of glitches with scrollers sticking and macs doing odd things, but other that that fine - including lots of US kit bought over and not blown up!

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Well my fringe has been a bit weird as I have moved back to Glasgow and am having to commute if I want to get that fringe vibe.


The show I worked on was a success so thats a result. Havent had a chance to check out anywhere else. Although the purple cow looks like fun!


Hope those on couches can see the end!!

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I did the build for a very nice (if I do say so!) dresser - bottom drawer a bed, middle doors could be climbed through (think Narnia), two top drawers, plus two fold up seats at the side. Pics when I get em. There was talk of it being given to the Traverse for storage but I know not what came of that.


Also just did an overnighter derigging the Pleasance of LX. Good gig, and nice to not have to load it all into a truck at the end!!

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