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Old Strand Catalogues


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Basically I have the all the pages of the Strand Lighting ’96 catalogue and all of the Strand Lighting product data sheets in PDF format. I would really like to get this put up on the internet because it would be a shame to waste a source which others may find useful. I tried emailing Jon at the Strand Archive but to no avail. So I had the idea of hosting the PDF files on my own web space, is there anything stopping me to do this? Do I need to get direct permission for Strand?





Over enthusiastic spell checker correction edit as requested!

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I'm not a lawyer (how many internet posts start that way?) but the catalogue is almost certainly subject to copyright by Strand...and therefore you'd need their permission to post it in its entirety.



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To the best of my knowledge, "The Strand Archive" is the work of a single individual, not Strand. He may have contacts at Strand but I doubt he could give copyright permission.


Alas, with the changes and problems at Strand, finding the right person to give permission could be difficult.



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I would think that as the information was all freely available in the public domain that Strand would not have an issue with it being put online. If they do have a problem they will just ask you to take it down which you can then do promptly.


If you do upload the stuff it would be great if you could then put a link to it in the appropriate parts of the blue room wiki as that would then be very useful.



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Thanks Richard & everyone that contributed to this thread,

I will upload the files tonight if possible; I will then post a link to where the files are posted and in the Blue Room wiki.


120 PDF files I wonder how long that will take via FTP?



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Thanks Jim for the offer, but we have already had hosting donated to us,


The link is http://www.jcwilts.co.uk/strand/ eventually the address will be strand.jcwilts.co.uk but we have to wait for the sub-domain to resolve, in my experience sub domains are instant but this is not the case with the server we are hosted on. If the sub-domain isn’t set up by tomorrow post it here or PM me.


I might be able to dig out some more catalogues and data sheets soon, I will update you on that as and when.



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Do I need to get direct permission for Strand?

I asked the question of an old Strand contact, now working for Northern Stage after the abrupt enforced departure from the old company. His response (published with his permission) is:

It will be covered by copyright, but that should not be a problem, as it is ‘archaeology’. I would expect them to give permission as there is loads of stuff on places like www.strandarchive.co.uk I would suggest that someone asks permission from peter.rogers@strandlighting.com


David W Cusworth

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you shouldn't need permission from Strand for posting the datasheets on your site as, has been previously mentioned, they are in the public domain, and you are not seeking to gain either financially or by copyright (some of which is now owned by Genlyte, of course).

I'm sorry you couldn't get a response out of Jon Primrose, but I suspect he may be on holiday, as he works at the University of Exeter, and they are still away at the moment. The StrandArchive is a project run by Jon, with permission from the University (and the old Strand in the UK before administration), using some spare space on their servers. He was until recently very short of space, but thanks to a donation (from Strand, of all people) he has a bit more capacity.


Personally, I would love to hear from anyone who has any old lighting brochures tucked away in drawers or cupboards, as I have a connection with NEET (www.neetproject.org) who are looking to establish a resource of reference material and equipment. If you are going to Plasa, do pop by stand GG30, and see some history.


Richard Bunting

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you shouldn't need permission from Strand for posting the datasheets on your site as, has been previously mentioned, they are in the public domain, and you are not seeking to gain either financially or by copyright (some of which is now owned by Genlyte, of course).




Er, see Ynot's post directly above yours.


Catalogues are rarely, if ever, public domain. Companies tend to retain the copyright (and include notices accordingly) if only to ensure their pages aren't misused by competitors or whatever.


As Ynot's contact states, THIS use should not be a problem but it IS worth doing things properly and getting official clearance to post and use the pages.



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