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Choosing a small scale mixer


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Hi, I'm buying a small mixer for some school theatre work and I have narrowed the choice down to 2 models, The Soundcraft E8 and the EPM8.


Just wondering if anyone has used either of these desks and could comment on which is the better of the 2, or if there is anything else I should know about them. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks, John

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I've seen and used an "E" serier mixer (an E12 but they're the same except for the number of inputs) and it was okay. The EPM series is newly out and I haven't come across it yet. A cursory look at the Soundcraft site makes it seem pretty similar the the E.


In the price range you're considering you could also look at Behringer or the Yamaha MG series. I'd personally prefer the Soundcraft, but you might get a few more facilties for your money by going Behringer.


Which brings me to a general question/comment: what sort of "school theatre work" are you planning to do? An 8 input/2 aux/Stereo Out mixer will run out of resources pretty fast if you try to do anything elaborate. It would probably let you do a couple of mics and some sound playback at an assembly, but it would be hard pressed to do a full musical for A level drama, if you see what I mean!



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I see what you mean, it's just for small scale work, such as small drama projects (4-5 mics) But it also will be used at school discos as well as some possible re-mastering work in a video editing room, so the number of inputs is fine for what I need.

I do not need extra effects as I have no possible need for them and I have looked at other mixers, and I would have to agree with you about preferring the soundcraft.

Thanks very much for your advice, it really is greatly appreciated.


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Think about the future. ie. the 12 input version or more (obviously a different style desk will be involved)

And as for saying I don't need the extra FX, well you never know. Any desk with an aux send can be used as a monitor send, have you thought about that?

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Yeah. I have to say that "Bobbsy Heisenberg's Uncertainty in Mixer Purchase Theorem" states that the number of channels, outputs or auxes you require will always be two more than the maximum number you dreamed up when you purchased your first board!


I fully understand about budgets etc., but don't be surprised if, after your first show, you're back wishing you'd picked up something a bit bigger!


Good luck!



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I had kind-of gone off the smaller soundcraft offerings. They were a bit on the noisy side and there was better and cheaper for the price. However, I have had a quick look at the new EPM and it looks like a big improvement. IIRC they have taken the pre-amps from the GB series consoles, re-designed the EQ and integrated the PSU. Build quality is good and the audio channel pretty clean. (Even though the thing is still made in China!)


Definately one-up on the E series.


Yes, you can get more bang for your buck with offerings from Behringer and the like but a Soundcraft should also hold a bit more respect.



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