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Working in tracking


What do you think of tracking mode on the strand 5xx series desks  

20 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you think of tracking mode on the strand 5xx series desks

    • I love it - never work without it
    • I like the idea but always seems to complicated
    • I don't understand it but would like to learn more
    • I have tried it, understand it but can't see the point
    • I have never tried it but don't want to
    • I hate it - they should remove it from the desk completely
    • Tracking - What the Track?????
    • I use it when I have moving lights (XF otherwise)

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and only serves to confuse the operators who are taking over the show if mods are required.

Absolutely. A certain show we produced here brought their own LX tech who assured me he was familiar with the board and so would program it himself. Some time later I received a call saying that the lighting desk was broken. That being a rather expensive thing to have happened I ran to the control position to find the LD and operator saying that lights just "weren't coming up in the cues they should be in." Turns out that they have put the desk into tracking mode and had bashed in the basic states, and were now jumping around in the cue stack in order to tweak. Rather obviously, the states weren't coming up as expected. A few moments later I worked out the problem, and asked why the desk was now in tracking mode: They said: "we thought that it was better." ;)

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