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Value of Zero 88 alcora faders


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As Ben says above, the best bet is to give Keith a call on +44 (0)1633 838088. He'll be able to provide you with the information you require. As far as sourcing spare faders go, any Zero88 dealer can sell you spare parts. A list of dealers can be found here.
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Although zero 88 desks often have a sticker saying "do not open, no user serviceable parts inside" they are fairly simple. Just open up the cover and remove the PCB. The faders are all individually replaceable and have from what I can remeber 6 or 8 pins on them. All you have to do is unsolder these pins, remove the solder and ten they come out quite easily.


The only thing is they are apparently easily available from maplins etc... but you have to no the resistance and stuff (as u can tell im not a genious of this stuff).


Anybody know???

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Getting the parts from a manufacturer approved source should ensure that they are exact replacements. There may well be a required way for these to be fitted the spares from the maker should tell you. (I remember using an audio desk where some faders had been replaced upside down making the LOG taper all WRONG)
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