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Farewell old Strand, hello Genlyte-Strand?

Rob Halliday

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This is interesting stuff.... Thanks for posting Rob, it'll be good to see how this pans out!


I wonder if this will help boost their profile and popularity in the US? (Devils advocate)



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The other concern, is how strand product quality will be affected. If being part of a larger corporation leads to the same amount of development, but spread bewteen manufacturers will hopefully reduce costs, but what if the acquisition leads to a fall in development to save money...
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Well.... Genlyte also own Vari-Lite, and they've been doing pretty well at developing products. They are also a big, grown up company.....


Most interesting to my mind are that:

- the release mentions that the acquisition includes the SL spotlight range, but doesn't mention any other luminaire product lines.


- from the control point of view, Genltye already own the Entertainment Technology brand of dimming and controls. Robert Bell (ex-WYG) has been working on the development of their Marquee console range for a number of years now and it's pretty good.


Which makes all the talk of 'non-overlapping product ranges' in the press release ring not-quite-true.


The timing of this - seemingly out-of-the-blue to a number of people you might have expected to know - is odd; Genlyte must think there is something in the Strand name and product range to have bought it. Maybe they just had cash when Strand, utlimately, didn't.



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Most interesting to my mind are that:

- the release mentions that the acquisition includes the SL spotlight range, but doesn't mention any other luminaire product lines.


Which makes all the talk of 'non-overlapping product ranges' in the press release ring not-quite-true.

The press release does say

The transaction includes but is not limited to the following product lines
so I presume that covers the other ones.


Seems to be that the ones mentioned are mostly all new lines which I can only imagine is what interests Genlyte most. Perhaps there is something in there they really wanted their hands on...



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A similar situation which springs to mind (although perhaps on a smaller scale) is the accquisition of Flying Pig Systems by High End. The end result of that is that FPS as a distinct brand/company/organisation has pretty much disappeared off the face of the planet ...


Mind you, since Genlyte bought VL, there's been much good work done on that brand, so hopefully it'll be the same with Strand.

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I heard about this earlier today - more by luck. I guess it'll pan out more tomorrow but from the info available it seems that Strand UK Ltd is now in the hands of the receivers
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My source tells me that Strand UK has gone into receivership and is no more.... Genlyte has only bought the US and Asia elements....


This is a very respected and informed source.....

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If they are in receivership, won't Companies House have info? Just about to leave for work so no time to check...

Not immeadiately.


And even if they are it's not a big thing, it's very common in takeovers to close the 'took-over' company. There is more than one type of 'receivership'.

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