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Computer Controlled DMX With Wing Panel


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You can buy wings (no pun intended) for the Flying Pig's Hog PC (see here) they are typically around the £2500 from what I can remember. I have used the programmer wing and their DMX widget and I found it worked rather well with a USB hub and my Sony Vaio P4 laptop.


The Chamsys MagicQ (see here) also has one available

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If you've got (or can get hold of) an existing lighting desk then you can use that as a submaster (and a few other things) wing for PCStage. A desk that can be switched into single preset wide mode is best, then you can have every fader and flash button as a sub.
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Based on the original poster's other topics regarding grants, I would guess that he was hoping for ones at a lower budget.


Also, while this isn't the original topic, can people give their opinions of wings compared to a desk; the OP was looking for a frog of some variety or a maxim.


EDIT: Sorry dbuckley, posted before I saw your response

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Dave - as people have said, most of the big manufacturers now have a physical control surface for their pc versions of their hardware desks - Some of the cheaper alternatives could be to use a fader panel that lets you output midi controllers - henringer do two great ones. If the software can handle these (I think many can) then they are a cheaper way of doing it.


Tell us a bit more about what you want to do?

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Rosco's Horizon software has a wing panel, but is completely functional without it as well. The software's free, but you do have to buy the box which converts ASCII to DMX - I've used Horizon reasonably extensively, though not for a few years now, and it's not a bad piece of kit.
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In response to mumbles I would say that for ease of use a self contained desk is a lot easier to use (plus often far more reliable!!)


BUT the cost of a PC with wings I far more appealing


I will add another vote to Chamsys MagicQ PC wings they seem very good value for money

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In response to mumbles I would say that for ease of use a self contained desk is a lot easier to use (plus often far more reliable!!)


BUT the cost of a PC with wings I far more appealing


Sorry, I wasn't suggesting that desks would be better, but that a wing and a dongle and a stable pc to run it on wold be rather beyond his budget, when the wing alone is about as much as he could have to spend.


Also, was hoping someone could suggest something that gives access to palettes, and to playbacks, for less than £1500 <maybe entering the realms of fantasy here I know :D >


I would agree that the programs that can be used are much cheaper than the corresponding desks, but for a limited number of intells, and a small range of dimmers, a hog pc or magicQ is a bit overkill. If a simple wing is available somewhere, that offers a range of playbacks/submasters, and palettes, then this might be more appropriate for the OP who was seeking a grant in order to afford a fat frog.


EDIT: sorted out quote

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Based on the original poster's other topics regarding grants, I would guess that he was hoping for ones at a lower budget.


Would anyone find a 'hobbyist' wing useful? Something to go with the range of usbdmx dongles, for about 60 quid maybe? Though I'm predicting the comments like "oooh, not as good as professional ones, and no decent software", but then it's a lot cheaper, and software can be added later.

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To be perfectly honest tux, why bother :). The Behringer one (BCF2000) is great as it is, with motorised faders and a couple of buttons above each fader for go/flash etc. It'd probably be more use developing some software that worked with it to allow you to page through multiple playbacks, as the faders move into place, you just need some software they can control properly.



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