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Cheap Plastic Swords

Al Morris

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We have, they're few and far between. Anything they have is either too small or has the wrong look to it.


We need some medieval type swords. At the moment we're considering resorting to cheapy hollow ones that'll no doubt bend and look naff. Which is a shame, cos everything else is looking great.


I figured I'd ask to see if anyone knows of any good website.



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I love this site, most of their swords look great and most under a tenner. such as this one;


for just £3.99

this is the site:



I've bought witches hats for a show from them before and was very pleased by speed of delivery etc. Byu the by, my favourite sword...


a pvc copy of the ringwraith sword from lord of the rings, made from pvc, 48" long! and under 20 quid.


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Thanks! These look like they might do the trick. Thing is we've found some real metal swords on ebay, that look perfect. Problem is they are metal, so they'll be heavy and fairly dangeous in the fight scenes. Might be a chance we could get them for under £5 though.


We need 3 swords in all, and on a tight budget I'm not sure we can stretch to £60 for the swords along with everything else.


Thanks though!

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Thanks! These look like they might do the trick. Thing is we've found some real metal swords on ebay, that look perfect. Problem is they are metal, so they'll be heavy and fairly dangeous in the fight scenes. Might be a chance we could get them for under £5 though.


We need 3 swords in all, and on a tight budget I'm not sure we can stretch to £60 for the swords along with everything else.


Thanks though!



don't forget to check shipping costs and country of origin on ebay. 3 for under a fiver sounds almost too good to be true. If they come from the states you may find an extra customs bill of £30 slapped on too.

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My 9-year-old daughter ( a bit of a tomboy..) has a huge collection of plastic swords. Some are lurid pink/green, but some are very realistic - including ones like the pictures above. All were very cheap.


Most came from toy shops but quite a few were bought/won at fairgrounds.



For some reason which I don't really understand, toy shops at the seaside tend to sell this sort of stuff, along with buckets and spades!

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Yeah. Toys 'R' Us is the nearest place likely to have a decent sword to use. But I don't think they had anything big enough.


In regards to the ebay thing, each sword has a postage and packaging cost of £5 - £6 and then the swords start off at £0.99 bids.


I'm guessing if people find the swords and want them those bids can go up alot towards the end of the auction though. I know one of them ends in a couple of hours and is currently on a bid of £2, but others are in excess of £18.


I'll keep an eye on it though.

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Don't forget the possible legal ramifications of owning a blade longer than 3". I believe a blind eye is turned if they are for decorative use (nailed to a wall) or you are a armourer of course, otherwise, take care.
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Try your local role play games society or club. They seem to have lots of realistic sword type items, most vicious looking but made of rubber and plastic and the like.


Most of this sort I've seen (usually painted foam around a bamboo or plastic rod) tend to be rather thicker in the blade than a real sword (up to an inch thick for a biggish broadsword). Also, since they have a rigid core, they are potentially dangerous in thrusts and lunges, although if your cast are aware of the risk they should be able to pull their blows. They may be expensive, too: the ones I've seen have been one-offs and the mark-up was horrendous.



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  • 2 weeks later...

As suggested by Captain - many LARP suppliers can provide great looking weapons made of latex. They are designed to stand up to fairly heavy use, too, so they should last (expecially if your cast aren't "proper" fighting with them!)


You might like to look at:





They seem to range between £50 - £70 down at the cheap end.


To name but two...


Most of my experience is with real steel, I'm afraid!

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