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Rig's being supplied by HSL... L&SI


ITV's's X-Factor spin-off - Battle Of The Celebrities - is taking place at Fountain Studio's, and HSL has once again supplied large quantities of LED products, including 130 JTE Pixelines, 180 CK Colour Tiles, 100 Pulsar Chroma Strips and 200 metres of CK's new iColor Flex SLX - a larger-node and higher-intensity version of the groundbreaking iColor Flex SL. This is a multi-purpose, LED-based strand that generates fabulous effects. LD is Dave Davey and set designer is Christopher George - both of whom HSL has worked with on numerous other projects.
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To elaborate slightly Bill Peachment is using a Vector Green to run the moving light rig, with the Vector Offline running as a tracking back-up on a PC.


Russell is using a Vector Blue to run all the media servers for the screens, LED walls and floor - which are three Hippotizer stage systems new for the show.

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Rig's being supplied by HSL... L&SI


I think PRG Greenford might have something to say about that :mods: HSL just do the LED stuff - The inhouse boys do a lot of the generics and PRG do all the V*L's and jizz.


Paul Daniels and Debbie McGee singing "Let me entertain you"??!!! Entertaining no. Painful yes.

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For your info rig consists of:


34 x VL 3000 Spot

32 x VL 3000 Wash

30 x VL5

34 x VL6c

10 x VL1K TS Frame

4 x Cyberlights

20 x Pixel Pars

23 x Pixelines

36 x Chroma Strips

Color Kinetics iColor Tiles for the floor

Softled back cloth

Color Kinetics iColor Flex SL on the Xs

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