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An odd one - Dead dog...

Sam Jelfs

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I'm helping out on an am film being made at the moment, and one of the scenes calls for a dead dog to be hanging over a bath. Does anyone know where I could source one from, or how to make one. We could get away with just a tail and two back legs, which will probably be easier.


Thanks for any advice you can give.


Sam J

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Haha, the desk adjacent to mine in this cluttered office has had one sitting on it for over a month. Unfortunately (for the OP) it's the carcass of a dog, charred and partly eaten (well, in the context for which it was made)


Surely stuffed dogs would be too stiff?

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I'm not really sure whether a stuffed one would work or not. I;m going to call around the local taxidermies and see what I can find.


The main issue I can see is that the director will want it covered in fake blood, not sure a taxidermy will agree to that!


I can see im going to end up trying to make one...

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Guest lightnix
We could get away with just a tail and two back legs, which will probably be easier...
...and possibly better looking, in terms of the effect it produces in the audiences minds.


That's the key to all Theatre (including Film) - suspension of disbelief; you provide the suggestion, the details are filled in by the audience's imagination :unsure:


Meanwhile: do an unfiltered Google image search for hung dog, hanged dog or dead dog, so you can get a general idea of what one looks like. Fashion a dead dog / dog's back legs-shaped frame from chicken wire and coat with papier maché. Base coat of white emulsion paint, top coat of doggy colour. Cover with old bits of old fur coat / sheepskin rug / shagpile carpet of a suitable colour and mess up / matted with thinly paint-dirtied water, according to how much the dog suffered before it died. Build up any wounds / sores from liquid latex / Milliput; paint and varnish.


Fly, light dramatically (three-quarter kicker + backlight (maybe) - no front key or fill) and shoot :)



Ewww Mummy look, it's a dead dog! :(

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thanks for all the comments.


Lightnix - I was just asked for a dead dog, I'll leave the way its shot to the director / film guys...


Looks like its gonig to be a couple of hours messing about with papier mache and fake fur. Any suggestions on how to make the pads / claws?




Sam J

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Looks like its gonig to be a couple of hours messing about with papier mache and fake fur. Any suggestions on how to make the pads / claws?




Sam J



They sell them on ebay!



Look under fox fur and fur stole, I bought lots last summer for £15 - £25. Try painting them with thin wallpaper paste to mat the fur together.

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