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Pulsar Frensels - rebranded CCT Minuettes?


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Dear All,


Just a quick one, is the Pulsar 650w range rebranded/slightly rebuilt CCT Minuettes (similar to the Zero 88 range)? They seem very similar in size and looks, therefore wondering if CCT barndoors will fit in the Pulsar 650w Fs as well.


Or am I completely off the mark?


All answers appreciated!




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Dom't know anything about 'rebranding'. As I understand it CCT was born out of Furse and PulsarLight is a totally different company with different products.....


......but I can tell you that on the CCT and Pulsar Fresnel/PC 650W models I have, the CCT Fresnel/PC barndoor DOES fit the Pulsar Fresnel/PC. Gel Frames are similarly interchangeable.


Hope this helps.


Erik :)

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