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Front of house staff, emergency protocol???


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in Edinburgh every big theatre has a dedicated firstaid team, usually provided by StAAC or BRC, same in Glasgow. I have done shows with a crowd of 20. as far as I am aware the fact that theatres fork out for us is because its the Law, if you have the potential for a show to have more than a certain number of people then you must have a dedicated team.


the usher hall is a regular venue and it rarely gets more than a few hundred but it seats more than that so we need to be there. the staff are trained to a basic level and they have there own people for the crew staff and stage but they still need us there as a dedicated team.

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I have always believed that the stage crew and SM should usher the cast and the FOH staff should usher the audience. I have always believed in this method and thank God I haven't had to apply it yet. (Touch Wood)
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  • 2 weeks later...
Under the Health and Safety At work act, It is a requirement to provide some level of First aid support (varying on size, numbers, type of workplace etc), so at all time there should be some one in the building trained, who in the case of an audience member being injured would be able to provide First Aid.
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Your Licence holder has a strictly defined duty of care to those that work there - even unpaid volunteer or amateur, THEY also have a more losely defined duty of care towards all people who might reasonably be on the premises, - that clearly includes the customers.


However if YOU are Not the licence holder it is your duty NOT to interfere with safety systems in place and to do your job within that system. If your Licence holder hasnt realised the problem perhaps a quiet word may help or perhaps not - only you know your boss.


The FOH first aid requirement will be different show by show according to the audience profile. Also in a 1000 seat venue the chance of getting through a show with no problem is getting small. FAW should be a minimum and there should be a means of getting one person out with no fuss if called for, Also there needs to be a panic free method of summoning first aid and professional ambulance help. -- BUT all that is for your licence holder to plan, promulgate, and practise.

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I have never seen a venue with dedicated first aiders

Venues such as the Sydney Opera House, Victorian Arts Centre, Queensland Performing Arts Centre etc. all have well equipped First Aid rooms with dedicated nurses. All concert venues I know (Hordern Pavillion, Entertainment Centre, Superdome etc.) will have dedicated First Aid staff on-site during concerts and First Aid trained staff during bump-in / bump-out. All 'green field' sites I have worked on have similar arrangements.


I really think it is highly irresponsible not to have First Aid trained staff on-site during any public event. Venues have a moral obligation to provide a safe and healthy environment for both staff and guests and that includes having First Aid facilities because incidents will happen. And whether it is comforting someone who tripped and fell, apply a band-aid for someone who cut their finger or save someone who choked on a cough lolly, it is all part of the responsibility you accept when you invite people into your venue. You must have emergency procedures in place for when things go 'unplanned'. And not all staff will be able to handle emergencies but as long as they know what to do or whom to contact, things can be dealt with swiftly and prevent further problems. If someone has a epileptic fit, you really don't want people standing around and making the situation worse.


There are no excuses - you must have an emergency plan and have trained staff to handle any situation.

Well, unless you want to make the front page and find out that there is such a thing as bad publicity. :down:

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