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Dimmers with 5amp Sockets


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The clue is in the topic. We already have 3 pulsar dimmers that are 6 channel with 5amp sockets. we are looking to add one more dimmer however all the plugs are obviously 5amp - does anyone know of anybody that still sells dimmers with 5amp sockets on them? I have been googling and searching for hours but have come to a dead end. If you cant get new ones, which I am presuming you cant, do you have any suggestions as to where id find one? - cheers


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The clue is in the topic. We already have 3 pulsar dimmers that are 6 channel with 5amp sockets. we are looking to add one more dimmer however all the plugs are obviously 5amp - does anyone know of anybody that still sells dimmers with 5amp sockets on them? I have been googling and searching for hours but have come to a dead end. If you cant get new ones, which I am presuming you cant, do you have any suggestions as to where id find one? - cheers




Not really a lighting guy but have a look here




I use them alot for my FX equipment



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I have a 5 amp dimmer that I am looking to sell. I bought it in October but it wouldn't work with the lx desk I had so has been sitting in my garage ever since. I also have some 5 amp extension leads with them if you would like those?


Perhaps you could PM me with an offer. You'd probably be better picking it up - it's pretty heavy - I live in Wigan.


Let me know if you are interested.





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Perhaps you could PM me


Pm Sent


In the Lighting FAQ there are suppliers of used lighting products. Take a look and you may find someone with a dimmer with 5A sockets


Cheers - had looked at most of those already although with no luck


Failing that, why not make up adaptor leads from (whatever) to 5A sockets?


That was an idea I had thought of but the cost of the adaptor leads would use up a lot of the budget we have



thanks to all that have replied - if anyone else has any 5amp dimmers that they have PM me as would be interested



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