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Hey guys and gals this is my first post here...wow.



anyway I am posting because a few of you seen and played with the xciter in life, where I didnt.


But I do have one on the way, soooo what did you all think of it when you seen it???




please feel ffree to leave as long as a reply as you remember for your xciter experience...** laughs out loud **


thank you

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At the moment they only support 20 fixtures, so your 22 fixtures aren't going to work until they upgrade the software to 40 (promised soon) or patch a couple of fixtures to the same DMX address. Other than that, for disco nonsense, seemed fine at PLASA to me, but I've never used one in anger...
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, but I've never used one in anger...


, but I've never used one in anger...


oh my, this has to be more well built then what I'm thinking? I mean its martin they make there stuff pretty tight




<<<<<starts to worry :)

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At the moment they only support 20 fixtures, so your 22 fixtures aren't going to work until they upgrade the software to 40 (promised soon) or patch a couple of fixtures to the same DMX address.  Other than that, for disco nonsense, seemed fine at PLASA to me, but I've never used one in anger...

far as I know they are already shipping it with the new software now. :)




well I hope :D

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Well let us know what it's like, and more importently, how far a drop it can withstand :)

Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. I'm cancealling my order now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1




** laughs out loud ** I'll let you on my opin when I get to play with it live hand. if it looks junky then its going back to martin!

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  • 2 years later...

I have an Xciter which I had to clean up a little.... something to do with a spilt drink?

Anyway, I have the manual, read it, tried to understand it, pressed a load of buttons and can't really get my head around it.

I can set up fixtures, and patches, but can't understand how you RUN a show? I can program a sequence and its steps, but how do you make it run?


Is there an idiots guild somewhere? :stagecrew:

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