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RF Sender


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Does anyone know if it's possible to get a wireless RF sender to transmit TV signals from one point to another? I can find AV senders to send outputs from DVD players, Sky boxes etc but nothing that sends just TV RF signals... Googled on here and not managed to find anything, and the RS site is just a nightmare!


Hope someone can help.




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What are you actually trying to do?


There are a multitude of 2.4GHz band video senders that will transmit a composite or S-video signal and two channels of audio, at various price/performance levels.


However, if you mean transmitting on an actual TV channel - sorry, but you are not allowed to do that without a licence.

And unless you are an actual TV company, you're not going to get a licence.


Re-reading your post, I think you're trying to send all the TV channels at once - very sorry, but this can't be done at the kind of budget you have.

There are no off-the-shelf devices that do that!


Companies like Filtronic make the tens-of-GHz band point-to-point transmitters that transfer the channels from broadcaster to broadcast antenna, but they only do custom installs with this kit, and the price is astronomical.


Your best bet is probably either to fit an extra TV antenna at the remote location, or to choose two or three channels, get some cheap VCRs and send it through the video sender systems.

Some video senders also provide an IR-relay, so the remote control will work from the receiver - this may be an option.

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I suspect he's after the traditional video sender that can be picked up on a normal tv receiver - I had one a few years ago - I think it was on channel 27/28 from memory. It worked fine over 10 ft or so, but was, of course, illegal!


I've not seen one for sale for ages - not even on ebay.

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Thanks for the replies so far guys.


Basically I would like to transmit whatever I recieve off a bog standard TV aerial from one point in a building (location A) to another (location B) - then plug it into a DTT PVR which is also connected to a Mac, hence why I don't think normal video senders will work as I need the PVR at location B along with the Mac - but Location B has no easy way of providing a signal (via another aerial or RF cable).


However, if anyone can think of how this could be possible (as I'm hardly Eienstein on the subject) then I'd be very grateful!




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Why does the PVR need to be at the same location as the Mac - basically, what communication happens between the User/Mac and the PVR?


To be honest, your best bet will almost certainly be to run cable, if only because cheap video-bandwidth RF solutions are generally fairly poor quality.

- Either put the DVR by the antenna drop and run cable to the Mac, or run 75 ohm coax to the PVR sat by the Mac.

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As the PVR only has RF in, and then USB out (to the Mac) I don't think it could be anywhere TBH! I feared it would be a case of havng to run coax cable to the PVR/Mac, looks like thats confirmed then.


Best get my thinking cap on!




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What if you put the PVR by the arial, then used USB over ethernet. If you did not have existing ethernet infrastructure, then it would be fairly easy to use 802.11g - You would not get full bandwidth if your PVR used USB2.0 in High Speed mode unless you used gigabit though, but it beats out USB2.0 in Full Speed mode (12Mbits/s)
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