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Club Lighting


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Hi guys. Im wrighting this for replies from you club lighters. What does a Night CLub thats looking to open in the future need to buy to have a full "Martin" rig. The sound system is installed and the rigging bars are aswell. Theres two circles in the middle and bars dotted around the Dance floor. I know that Dimmers will be needed and some sort of control Board. We are looking to use Martin "Wizard's", "Atomic 3000's", "MAC 300's" and "RoboScan Pro 518's". It is required that the lights are Sound controled, taking a live feed from the DJ's desk.


If anyone can help it will be great, Message back.



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I'm assuming this is a hypothetical question? If not, you'll be best off asking a specialist company rather than embarking upon it yourself...


Anyway, if you're using Wizards, Macs, Atomics and Roboscans, you won't need dimmers. Each of those is not a remotely dimmed device - they either don't dim at all or use on-bard mechanical dimmers, not electrical ones. What you'll need is hard power (ie: a 13a plug) near each fixture and DMX (data) distributed to each fixture as well.


Fixtures wise - thoe one's you've mentioned seem ok. The 518s are a bit long in the tooth these days. Have you looked at the MX stuff? I've used the MX-4s on a number of occassions and they're good at what they do. You probably also want to look at the Mac 250s and Minimac as well.


The desk you use is a case of personal choice, but if you need good sound-to-light and seeing as the rest of the kit is Martin, how about the Martin Xciter? Looks like it'll do the job - had a quick poke at one at Plasa and it looked okay for fire-and-forget installs.

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Its a semi hypothetical question if you get what I mean. Its going ahead and a specialist will be brought in I just want to get a know how before hand so my dad isn't throwing his money away where it isnt needed.


As for DMX (data) plug and 13a plug which ones do you recommend? Any in pertictular?


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DMX: Neutrik. But I think they're almost all Neutrik, anyway.


13a: Duraplug rubber plugtops. The socket: anything really. MK are good quality.


But your installer will know about these things much better than I do...actually, I'll shut up now...

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I suggest using the new fixtures martin are producing I.e Mx-10's instead of the 518's because of the quality and ease of use the new fixtures theres more gobo's and the physical look of the fixture is better. You need a decent desk to control them so for ease of use I would recommend using a Avolites Pearl or if you have a large rig of movers then a larger avo desk.
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Whatever you do..... DONT use the DMX cable that comes with the units, our school has had alot of problems with the cable that was supplied (our Mac's started twitching) and we are currently in the process of ripping out the supplied cable and replacing it with the proper stuff :)

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There's nothing wrong with the cable supplied by Martin however if you wanna spend the money on the cable then do so however if your stuck with it then its ok!


Daniel 99% of the time you don't need to if you only have a small rig if you have a large rig of movers and you are using a splitter then I would recommend that you do.

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Daniel 99% of the time you don't need to if you only have a small rig if you have a large rig of movers and you are using a splitter then I would recommend that you do.

Here goes the same argument again! Surely you mean that 99% of the time you will get away without a terminator, not that 99% of the time you shouldn't consider terminating the line???


How does the splitter come into the equation?

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99% of the time you don't need to

Isnít it worth doing so anyway? The cost of a resistor and connector is tiny compared to the annoyance of a twitch or flicker being noticed during a performance when it was fine during rehearsal.

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Daniel 99% of the time you don't need to if you only have a small rig if you have a large rig of movers and you are using a splitter then I would recommend that you do.

Personally, IMHO, I'd never put up a rig without terminator on it - the cost of one to hire for a week (£1 or less!) is defintely worth doing - as said by Ike, you never know when a problem might occur.


1 minutes work, and 50p/£1, can save you 30mins or more in the long run!



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So for a rig of 2 moving lights you would terminate?

Why would you not terminate? The parts to make a terminator (120R 0.5w resistor, XLR5 plug) cost maybe £4.00 (max), so anyone who works with moving lights has no excuse for not having at least a couple in their tool box. Personally, I have a bag of 'get-out-of-jail-free' DMX bits in mine - terminators along with various XLR3 and XLR5 jumpers and sex changers and a little DMX presence tester (XLR5 plug with a resistor and bi-colour LED).

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