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Huge Old Leatherbound Book


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Hi guys,


I was wondering if you could help me out- Im currently working on an adaptation of 'A Cool Million' down in Bath (UK) and im looking for a specific prop. I need a large or very large leatherbound old book (fairytale-ish I guess)- the kind a narrator would use to look as if he was reading from it.


If anyone can help me out then that would be great. This is a university production (but with professional directors), and as such the budget is tight!


If anyone can help me out, then get in contact over the board pm's, or email me at:-






Looking forward to hearing from you!



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The theatre I have done casual work for had a room stacked full of rubbish including a giant book ... until last year when it was cleared out and everything taken.


Are you wanting to use all the pages, or will having it open in one/two place/s be ok?


As Peter says stiff card and a yellow pages.

Another idea I’ve not done but in theory should work, (practice from puppet and mask making) for the more fairy tale panto size is make a 2 boxes aXbXc from card cover in blotting paper, both to add strength and texture. Hinge the two with some more paper/card and then add a spine cover from card. If you want to a loose cover add a piece of card to the front. Then render away.

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ahh I shall put on my blue peter hat!...


off the top of my head...


two bits of cardboard box cars A3 size, stuck together length ways with masking tape to make a "book" then take a large piece of sugar paper, slightly bigger than the "book" opened out. doesn't matter the colour of this. If you then scrunch up the paper really tight and unfold it, and scrunch it up again and open it out a couple more times, then open the paper out this means you will have lots of wrinkles. paint this bit of paper with some poster paint the colour you want your leather, (red mixed with a bit of black to darken it??) when the paint is dry scrunch the paper up once more so it cracks and unfold it, not stick this to the book, cut off the corners and fold over the flaps that are left. next get some black paint and rub it on the outside cover with a cloth then immediately wipe it off with a cloth, so that the only black paint left is in the cracks of the bit of paper.


soak some a3 bits of paper in tea for ten minutes then leave to dry and you have some pages to fold and staple and stick to the inside of your book!


I haven't tried this, completely off the top of my head, the picture attached to this image is a crappy diagram of what I'm thinking, as you cant tell I'm bored... so I might have a go at making it!






EDIT added pic!



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