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Pyro Music.


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I am doing a show in 6 weeks for an Aromatherapy company. Before they launch their new catologue they want a small (about 20 seconds) pyro show set to music. They want some positive (not singing about suicide, death or anything lik that) music, that is relatively new (last 10 years) and upbeat. I have gone through my music library and can't find anything good that can be cut down reasonably. Any ideas?
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Midival Punditz - kind of 'worldly' (is that the right word?) but with a bit of an up-beat twist, some of their stuff may not be great for pyro, but they do have a few that could be quite good.


Tomoyasu Hotei, An album called 'Electric Samurai' has some pretty good stuff on there, have used some of those tracks myself.


But if something more mainstream and well known is wanted, how about something like Daft Punk, Alcazar, DJ Sammy, perhaps even something from Vanessa-Mae?


I actually have used tracks by most of the above for pyro displays, I used to work at a place that did a weekly 'Sky High Hits" :P laser and firework show (not as bad as it sounds, well, not quite).



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Rob, what happened at the Sky High Hits? Was it outdoors? Sounds like my kind of thing! :P


It was exactly what I said in my previous post, A laser and firework show! :P

It was set to music from the top 40 and other upbeat popular tracks aimed at the younger crowed, it was an outdoor show that was produced by one of the theme parks I worked at here in the States. And it was a complete nightmare for the crew!


Sorry mods, taking a small B line from the OP.

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How about Tina turner best or Cher believe

or a short version of final countdown or my fave to do a show to is you give love a bad name by bonjovi (the live version) hope it helps

Robert :P



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Indoor or outdoor and health budget or what budget?


Most things that you could do a "silly" dance to if you were pissed with your mates work well for pyro, the exceptions being slow string type music for fountains and waterfalls.


With 20 seconds you have no time for slow build to drama or clever interperative - classical instrumental would be my guess possibly a trance techno versions of somthing they know and don't need to listen too hard too.


If your indoor, smoke and movers will cover the fact that every time you push a button for indoor pyro £100 quid goes in 2 seconds, if you ain't got a 2K budget its tricky, outdoors its a skoosh



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We have the show planned to a piece of music now but I am still not happy with it and the client is happy for me to change it still if I can find something better, currently we are working the theme tune from 'Space Jam'.
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