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Brits 2006


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I thought his vocals were really quiet too. I'm not that familiar with his material so can't comment on what the balance is usually like but I was struggling to make out the words. I was monitoring through decent PA gear (don't ask!) which normally sounds pretty good with (well mixed) material.



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Allowing for the usual "live performance" variations, for the most part the sound seemed pretty good to me.


However, what drove me mad was the decision to run their cameras in "imitate film" mode. It just makes them look artificially bad to me!



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They were using the big Yamaha digital mixers, one for monitors and two FOH. Powering a EV line array system, could tell exact models though. Didnt recognise the Mixer in the OB truck sorry(but it was the CTV HD truck if anyone knows it well?)


Quote from January 2006 PRO SOUND NEWS


.. for the first time [will] be recorded for broadcast using Floating Earth's latest SSL C200 equiped recording mobile ... the PA sound will be mixed on a pair of DiGiCo D5 Live consoles at FOH

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Quote from January 2006 PRO SOUND NEWS


.. for the first time [will] be recorded for broadcast using Floating Earth's latest SSL C200 equiped recording mobile ... the PA sound will be mixed on a pair of DiGiCo D5 Live consoles at FOH


cause the old recording mobile got nicked!


I thought the performanced sounded fine... maybe its because im a teenager!

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Moving Light wise... to many to quote exact number (at least 500+)





VL2000 Wash


VL2500 Spots

VL3000 Spots

Mac 2000 Washes



+ a whole heap of conventional’s


all supplied by PRG Europe (greenford)

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