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chroma q colour scrollers-help

james jag

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I have been asked to get 18 croma q colour scrollers working, got all the power supplies and new cable from tmb, but what I need is new gel for them, now the problem is the guy that cleened them up, rubed off the model numbers, does anyone know what it could be ?, they fit par 64's how may different model did they make for this ? one I hope. :stagecrew:
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Sounds like the original Chroma Q, not the broadway. Do you have the spools? If so, you can buy the tape and make your own. To be honest, if TMB have supplied the missing parts, why not get them to supply the strings for you too - well worth the small extra cost.
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Speak to AC Lighting - ChromaQ is 'their' brand, so they'll be able to tell you exactly which model you have. And they'll be able to quote you for new scrolls, too!


But basically, if they're old ones with rotary encoders for setting the address, they're original CQ1s. If the addresses are set on DIP switches, they're CQ1Ds. Less likely, they might be newer ones with a 7-segment LED and pushbuttons for setting them up, in which case they're the newer CQ1 Plus. If they fit Par64s, they're not going to be the Broadway. Don't know whether there have ever been any other ChromaQ models which fit parcans, but those are the ones I know about.

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Have a look at the website below, it is our Chroma Q range.

I would say from what you have said that you probably have the Original series. The broadways are alot smaller and are designed for Source 4's etc. The Universal is a much bigger beast as it will fit various fixtures.


I believe the one you will have is the second product down on the following page.








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More help required please, ive found that they have rotary DMX switches so they are CQ1s, does this mean that they are really old ?, can anyone tell me what size or part number is for the replacement gel rolls ?, and why do they have to have a return lead going back to the power supply ? (never worked with any scrhollers before) :angry:
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The return lead is to effectively create a ring main for the 24V supply to the scrollers, if you don't you will get quite large volt drop over the cable run and you will find the last scroller runs at a slower speed than the first. I've had it where people haven't put the return in and the volt drop has been large enough for the fan to stop working.


As for the scrollers, doesn't matter if you have the original Mark I Chroma Q's or the newer digital ones, scrolls are the same size. As suggested speak to AC Lighting and they will be able to give you a price for making scrolls for you. If yours have rotary DMX address then they are the original ones, fundamental difference between the two is the digitals ones self calibrate where as the originals you have to manually calibrate.

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As for the scrollers, doesn't matter if you have the original Mark I Chroma Q's or the newer digital ones, scrolls are the same size.

Eeek! No, they're not! I got caught out like that a few years back, the first time I ordered some scrolls for ChromaQs. I didn't specify that I wanted them for the newer CQ1Ds, so they were made for the old CQ1 MkIs. It was only when I came to load them that it became apparent that, as well as the Mk1 not using the little metal tabs that the 1D uses, the head and tail of the scroll are completely different. The intermediate frames are the same size, though, so you can 'adapt' a scroll from one ChromaQ model to another just by changing the head and tail frames.

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Here's a link to the manual for the original ChromaQ Mk 1 scroller, which is what you appear to have (and I've got 6 of 'em too):


Chroma-Q Original Manual


...well hidden on the AC website.


Gareth is quite right - the head & tail of the scroll is different between the CQ1 (Mk1) and CQ1D (digital).


Hope that's of some help!



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