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Clay Paky Stage Scan's


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Hi, I am currently trying to get some lx quotes for a show I am doing in late May. I was really looking at getting in 2 mac 250's but the budget simply isnt there! So I decided to find a cheaper option which can give much the same effects. So I think I have decided on 2 stage scan's, but I can't find anywhere to hire them from!? any ideas? Thanks Ben
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Hi, I am currently trying to get some lx quotes for a show I am doing in late May. I was really looking at getting in 2 mac 250's but the budget simply isnt there! So I decided to find a cheaper option which can give much the same effects. So I think I have decided on 2 stage scan's, but I can't find anywhere to hire them from!? any ideas? Thanks Ben



You might want to try Coni In Leeds they have 4 of them in cases I used them a few months a go and considering the age of them still going well .


contact details here


Mark W-E

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Hi, I am currently trying to get some lx quotes...

What sort of price have you been quoted for Stage Scans?

I can get Mac 250's locally for £60 plus the vodka & tonic. Try him - talk to Gary & say I sent you.

Still a ways from Colchester, but that's up to you if you want to travel with a van..... He may also do a delivery, but not sure if he has a limit on mileage.



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Forgot to mention it needs to be somewhere a bit closer to me in Colchester, Essex.



Have you tried a company called Knight International, there based in Boreham, Essex (Which isn't a million miles away from Colchester!). They don't stock 250's or Stage Scans, but have Robe 250XT's, very similar spec to Mac 250's and cheaper to hire!


Also locally to you are a comapny called CVS, based in Brentwood and stock Mac 250's, might be also worth giving them a call.


Hope this helps.





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Thanks guys, The robe fixtures look like a much better option. I will have a ring about on Monday and let you know how I get on. To be honest I wasn't 100% sure if stage scans would be cheaper as I couldn't find a stockist. But now I understand they are probably going to be more! Thanks everyone.
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Bit late replying to this one, I'm afraid, but I'll chip in my two penn'orth anyway! :stagecrew:


A StageScan is a very different beast to a Mac250 - not really what I'd think of as being an 'alternative'. The closest Clay Paky product to a Mac250 is a StageColor 300 - and they are the most god-awful pieces of kit imaginable! Rent some at your peril!


Edit : of course, I mean StageLIGHT 300 - StageColor is the wash version. My bad ...


The suggestion of Robe 250w heads as a budget alternative is a good one, and worth checking out - Robe make some nice kit. I'm surprised that you can't find a couple of Mac250s at a reasonable price, though - with the new 250 Entours and Kryptons finding their way into hire stocks now, I'd have thought you'd have been able to find a reasonable deal on a couple of 'old' 250s ....

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Thanks Gareth, I am sure I can get quite a good quote on 2x250's. However I was going to try and give the society im working for a 'cheap' and more expensive quote, e.g macs (more expensive) and stage scans (cheaper) although I have now learnt stage scans arent going to be cheaper if anything more expensive! So im thinking of getting quotes for 2xmacs and 2xrobes, and let them decide what they want to pay :) .

Thanks again Ben


:stagecrew: Have seen a very good price for the robe 250xt's. Seems ideal for what im looking for after reading up on the robe website. At £50p/w cant really go wrong! Thanks for your help guys!

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Bit late but here we go.


As you have already found out the Stage scans are more expensive than Mac 250s. We do still stock them, Thanks for the plug Russ, in fact we have 4 out at the moment with Bauhaus in Europe. We used to own about 20 of them but have dropped the stock level down to 8 as there is not as much call for them as there used to be. We also stock Mac 250+ if you are interested. Please PM or e-mail me if you want a price.



Hope this helps



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