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GLP Ypoc 250 on SGM Studio 24 ScanControl ?


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I Just “discovered†this place and maybe you can help me on this one.


I have a SGM Studio 24 ScanControl board and I just got some GLP YPOC 250 movers I want to run on it.


Up to a year or so ago there was a configuration file downloading option at SGM’s site for a verity of fixtures. I can’t seem to find it now :blink: .


I am having some trouble configuring the YPOC’s parameters into the ScanControl’s memory manually. Although I input all the data correctly (as much as I can tell), upon exiting the configuration process the display insists on “configuration mishmashâ€â€¦


Any hints, help or info would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks in Advance,



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Thank you LDODD,


I finally found the fixture file downloading facility at SGM's site and the GLP Ypoc 250 was right there.

After loading the file into the SGM Studio I looked into the parameters/data and realised what I was doing wrong... :)


Any way, all is working now,




N. Webber

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