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Pearl 2004 Software problems


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I am a student trying to use the Avolight Visualiser software with the Pearl 2004 simulator but I am having problems with interfacing the software together with each other.


has anyone else had this problem and if so how did you solve it.


response would be much appreciated



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I have been trying to patch it following the help options but the software keeps telling me that the DMX options have been cancelled because I do not have the dongle that it needs.


if that is all I need where do I get one of thease dongles

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Have you tried speaking to Avolites? Would have thought you would get the donlge direct from them. I wouldn't like to say how much it would be though!

Avolites 020 8965 8522



You do not need the dongle to use Visualiser with the Pearl2004 sim and your own or demo theaters.

You only need the dongle (or license key) to get Vis to receive data from a real Avo desk (ie not the sim).


It's easily missed, have you got the Vis set to Simulator?

(Run mode / F5)





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I know that you don't need the dongle to use the visualiser but when I try and set up a DMX on the Sim it comes up with a error message that says I need to go into the website to get a dongle to get it to start.


but I will try what you say to get it to start and if not post another message with screen shots.


TTFN :blink:

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I know that you don't need the dongle to use the visualiser but when I try and set up a DMX on the Sim it comes up with a error message that says I need to go into the website to get a dongle to get it to start.


but I will try what you say to get it to start and if not post another message with screen shots.


TTFN :blink:




You don't have to set up DMX on the sim - you are not using 'real' DMX and therefore don't need the dongle.

So ignore that error message and don't change anything.


You still have to check that Vis is set to sim.


Assuming you've got a matching theatre and patch - it should work.





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As mentioned above the Pearl Sim automatically outputs DMX to Vis, so long as Vis is set to Run. No setting up is required on the Pearl Sim side at all.


The DMX Outputs window is only needed if using the EZDMX box, eDMX or ArtNet (I forget which are actually supported offhand). Without a dongle, these outputs can be setup, but no DMX will be output to anything except Vis.

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I have also been noticing the "To access this part of visualiser, you need to purchase a Dinkey Dongle from Avolites" in v7.1. Please ignore this as it is lying, you do not need a dongle if you are using v7.1. However if you see this message then it will not receive DMX from Simulator. So you need to switch from Simulator to RS232 and back again to clear the message and get the DMX to work again.


I am sure this will be fixed in the next version.

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