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MultiColour Drapes


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Hi , I'm managing tech for a performance of Joseph in the summer and need some ideas for a Backdrop to cover up some sand coloured Breeze blocks.


I had the idea of a Multicoloured Drape but have been able to find any ware to hire them.


Does anyone else have any other ideas or previous knowledge of the Joseph production.


Im sure someone can Help me :P


John Partridge

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Cheap canvas/muslin/what-have-you, time, a selection of paints and some rollers.


Time is the big expense.


(Edited to fix typo - My apologies to those who follow the faith of Islam, no offense was meant...)

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sand coloured Breeze blocks.


John Partridge



Could you not just light them with codas?


Coloured breeze blocks? If you don't mind me saying it: Yuk!!


How about some multi-coloured slash? Dirt cheap to buy and you can use it again.


Tacky, I know, but we are talking Joseph and you can't get much tackier! :P

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Ok thanks for the replies people...


Firstly , I may have made the blocks sound yuck , but they are fairly nice looking, they are normal breeze blocks on one side and on the other they have a nice smooth sand texture.


Secondly , I did consider just lighting onto the blocks but there are also things on the wall which I want to cover up... that's why I came up with the coloured drape idea, looking at Rich's last post the idea of possibly using a white cyc and then just lighting it in multicolour's is a good idea , but I don't think it would give off the effect as coloured drape would....


Anymore ideas would be great fully received, I still haven't got a final idea of what to do.


Many Thanks to all

John Partridge

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Would some profiles with the shutter closed in to make a vertical letter box not work? And then remove the shadows with codas?


What shadows?


This would also use up a lot of profiles and there would be some bleed of colours between each one.


John, in case you didn't understand the coloured slash suggestion, you could download the catalogue of these people and look on page 14 for what they call "shimmer curtains", available in silver, gold, red, green and blue. Each piece would be 3' wide so you could easily buy some of each and have several specific bands of colour accross the stage. Otherwise they do a multicolour version where the colours would be less defined if you'd prefer that. They light very well, as that's what they're designed for! :P

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Hi , I'm managing tech for a performance of Joseph in the summer and need some ideas for a Backdrop to cover up some sand coloured Breeze blocks.

I had the idea of a Multicoloured Drape but have been able to find any ware to hire them.

If you want to go down the road of multicoloured slash curtain, we have several colours now in hire stock (including one set of literally multicoloured slash).

And as you're only down the road in Brum.....


PM me if you want to come take a look.

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Would some profiles with the shutter closed in to make a vertical letter box not work? And then remove the shadows with codas?


What shadows?



The shadows that people would create walking in front of the profile beams. It was just an idea, by no means the most economical.



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To me, the most obvious solution to a multicoloured drape - which I have done before and can assure you that it does work, would be to use thin lightweight drapes of different colours, fly them next to each other and bobs-your-uncle! you have a multicoloured drape which is really lots of small ones put together!!!



Luminaires Theatrical Company

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm happy to recommend Rex Howard Drapes in Acton - we tend to use them a lot. Our last show - "A Swell PArty" called for some bright coloured swags. By the time they were lit as well, they looked spectacular. The ones we had appeared to be brand new.



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