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Pyro Suggestions


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We used smoke pellets in the spout of the lamp, ignited by a button that Aladdin presses as she rubs the lamp (we mounted a car ciggy lighter in the bottom of a 1 inch length of steel tube with the ciggy lighter brazed into the bottom at the end of the spout - sealed lead-acid battery in body of lamp). Had to crush the smoke pellet and pack into the tube to get reliable ignition, it worked fine.


We had 2 cut out dragons that swung out from behing the proc. arch for the finale, each with 6 air-bursts concealed behind them that were fired in rapid succsession by a tlfx programmable controller during a brief blackout at the end of the final number before the walkdown. (before anyone asks -yes, we had plenty of room on the stage to ensure that the cast were clear, line of sight to the DSM doing the firing & all other standard precautions). We considered making them breath fire with ice fountains too but decided these were too long duration.

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There is so much you can do with Aladin, after all, it contains a lot of magic. A hell of a lot depends on stage layout, and what the people on the stage are doing. How you are doing any transitions etc.


Flash pots are great because they are are a cliche magic effect.


A pair of flame jets or flame projectors either side of the stage can be extreamly effective, although a lot of venues will not like it.


I love comets, but I sincerely doubt you will have the height (8M+) they are great for outdoor shows though.


Airbursts as well could be quite effective.

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... Had to crush the smoke pellet and pack into the tube to get reliable ignition, it worked fine...

Just be careful. This treads a very fine line on being 'an act of manufacture' - you're taking an approved device and modifying it. In fact, the process you describe is not a million miles away from one used by terrorists :mods:


The safer way to do this is to use an Alladin Smoke which is made for the job.

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Ask the manufacturer of the type of pyro you want e.g Lemaitre, skyhigh and ask them if there are any distributors in your area.(I don't think you can get cheaper than direct from the suppliers) Also you might want to try pyro junkies they ship direct to you. hope this helps! :P
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  • 2 weeks later...
Just be careful. This treads a very fine line on being 'an act of manufacture' - you're taking an approved device and modifying it. In fact, the process you describe is not a million miles away from one used by terrorists :angry:


Surely then putting an ignitor into an effect would count as that; taking an inert device and making it 'live' which is something that you can be expected to do.



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Surely then putting an ignitor into an effect would count as that; taking an inert device and making it 'live' which is something that you can be expected to do.

Specifically exempted in the Regualtions as 'fusing'. Without that most fireworks companies could not function.

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hi guys,

with fireworks as soon as somebody modifys any firework it moves into CAT4 (professioanl fireworks).. so somebody cutting down a fuse on a firework or sticking an ignitor into a cat3 cake for example wouldn't be acceptable (unless they are a professional).. there are some cat3 firing systems that use a method of clipping ignitors to the fuses on the fireworks however..


I'm not sure how this relates to stage pyro though..


Specifically exempted in the Regualtions as 'fusing'. Without that most fireworks companies could not function


u used to be able to get a limited manufacturing licence when applying for an explosives store, which let you do various things including making wheels and stuff.... not sure what this is now under MSER though, but I think as you say they have put a clause in to exempt fusing..




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