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Stage Managers needed to Beta test new Software for the Theater

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I am in the process of developing software solutions for the theater. I am now ready to begin testing out the new Stage Manager Software program and hope this project might be of interest to you.


I am looking for beta testers or more specifically Stage Managers with a PC who are interested in testing out Theater Management Tools’ new “PRODUCTION ASSISTANT†software program.


Candidates can contact me directly (Scott.Finlayson@TheaterManagementTools.com) to apply for a beta copy of the program.


I am excited about this tool and look forward to your feedback.



Theater Management Tools will provide:


CD-Rom of the beta software or downloadable version that would be active for a defined period of time


Basic Instruction manual (rough draft)




Basic non-disclosure agreement




Ideal candidate qualifications:


Have access to a PC computer.


Individual would have basic theatrical stage management skills.


Individual would be willing to sign a non-disclosure agreement (+18 years old).


Individual would use the software in conjunction with a production.


Fill out and return a questionnaire at the end of the test phase.










Scott Finlayson



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  • 1 month later...

Well as someone who has a foot in both camps (I'm both a professional software tester and a stage manager) I'd be happy to test it.


Be warned though - it'll be thrashed to the extreme.


James, UK

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
I am in the process of developing software solutions for the theater. I am now ready to begin testing out the new Stage Manager Software program and hope this project might be of interest to you.


I don't mind taking a look and touting it around (See E-mail)


Good luck.



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