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work experience trouble

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I have been in college now for just over 6months studying a BND in Technical Theatre.


I have to do 1-2 Weeks work experience in the industry between January and march. I am unavailable until the 10th of February though because I have to work on a show at college.


I have applied to a number of places but only heard back from one - which was to say no.


I have applied to:

Bimingham NEC

Enlightened Lighting Ltd

manchester arena

stage electrics

Strand Lighting

wembley arena

white light group


does anyone know anyone else that it may be worth applying to? I am really looking for some on-site concert work, as this is what I want to do after college.


any replies will be great help!!!!!


many thanks

sam louwers

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Not to put to fine a point on it, you are only 16, (ok soon to be 17 according to your profile) but......many companies have restrictive insurance policies which exclude under-18s who are not employed directly by them. Maybe try a few smaller / local theatres or hire companies. You may find you get more to do than you would in a large busy hire companies or theatres, and you may even get a choice in what you do.



Even if you do get to do work experience in a hire company warehouse, most of the work is PAT tesing and prep'ing kit for gigs.

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thank's for the advice djw1981


I will try and fine some more smaller local companies


I am trying to avoid wear house work as I spent my entire summer this year working in the stage electrics wear house in avonmouth prepping cable so I am trying to find something new - even though I had a good laugh :nerd:


I am trying to experience as much as possible right now as I feel these are the vital years to me before I become a pro in the industry


cheers again


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Get yourself to some gigs - talk to the sound guys while you're there. They can really point you in the right direction and they're always more than happy to have a chat - as long as you do it before the gig starts.


I'd say get to the Academy, The Fleece and The Uni - in fact I'm sure the uni are always looking for people to help out - obviously it'd be for free but I'm sure it'd be great experience.


And if you wanna get anywhere with work experience you really need to ring and make sure you speak to the relevant people. They'll be much more willing to help if they actually speak to you!






:( - Topic split.

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